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Housing Extra (object) Note: This requires the Housing Extension Package . This object/record is related to any extra allowances that go with housing - e.g. meal plans, parking, etc. It is used for linking a Fee to a student's Housing, so that the student can be billed for accommodation (see use case: Housing for Students ). When creating Housing E
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Requirement Review Status (Custom Metadata Type) This custom metadata allows admin to configure the behaviour of the 'Review Status' field options for Requirements (for use case, see here ). For example, the default custom metadata defines that when reviewing a Requirement : If the 'Review Status' is 'Accepted', the status will be completed, and it
Program Administration Video link: Timestamp Documentation 0:00 - Academic Program Record Academic Program Account 0:06 - Program Plans (Versions) Program Plan 0:17 - Program Structure Plan Requirement 0:37 - Pre-requisite Logic Program Course Requirement 0:49 - Program Pathways Program Pathway and Pat
Forgotten your password to our Helpjuice site? Here's how you can reset your password. Head to: And enter the email address your account is registered with. If you accessed the link above, but have just been redirected to your Dashboard, it means that you are actually already logged in. Opening the link in a
Overview This article will cover the locking (and unlocking) of Student Fee records, either by manually doing so, or via the census date. Locking the Student Fees Automatic via Census Date (See use case example: Withdrawing or unenrolling from Courses .) Student Fee and Fee Lines will be automatically locked when the census date (final date for enr
Description There are 2 Sessions that are currently assigned to the same facility (venue), and you would like to move one of them to a different facility. Resolution As of now, the "Assign Facility" function in the Session Scheduler cannot be used to reallocate a Session to a different room. An enhancement will be included in a future release. F
Grade Criteria This object serve as a template record of exams or assignments that a student will take for a Course, which will then be graded by the faculty. The weight and sequence of the grades are defined here. For a use case, see: Grading students' assignments . These Grade Criteria are created under the Course . The faculty will then grade th
Description How to disable Trigger Handlers: For EDA. For all users. For specific users. With field criteria. With Apex. Resolution Salesforce provides a guide on each of the above scenarios. To find out more, check out their guide here .
We are 100% focused on RIO Education, implementing for our customers and supporting our partners. RIO Education implementation and customisation At WDCi we live and breathe Salesforce & our solution RIO Education. We use Saleforce for our own business, we knows it's value and we know what it can do for you. Talk to us about getting RIO Educatio
Shared Sessions (object) Shared Sessions are created from a Session , where that Session will be shared between students from different Course Offerings . To share a Session, create one Session linked to a Course Offering . Then you’ll need to create a Shared Session record, which links that Session with the other Course Offering. Once that is set u
Welcome to our blog, and stay tuned for all things RIO Education! PowerFAIDS & RIO Education: Connecting Your Financial Aid & Student Systems Having difficulties in transferring data between your your #financialaid and #studentmanagementsystem ? Throw away those spreadsheets and step into the future! RIO Education and The College Board Powe
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 3.7.4 Release date: 30th June 2022 Bug Fixes Student Management ISS-001318 "Insufficient access" error when withdrawing a program enrollment that has session connections Updated the PECS_UnenrolmentProcess_TDTM to run as "without sharing" mode to avoid sharing a
Description How to hide/disable tabs for some users? Resolution If you want to disable a tab in RIO Education for some users but could not update our product out-of-box permission set, you can try this Permission Set Group muting method. For example: The REDU - Admin Tabs permission is an out-of-box permission that grants user permission to RIO Ed
Description Session has 'Required Facility Type' and 'Capacity'. When you assign a facility to Session from Session Scheduler , it seems not to restrict/validate against the 'Required Facility Type' or 'Max Capacity' defined for facility. It seems they can select a facility other than 'Required Facility Type', and also select a facility which has le
Course Requirement Note: For a use case, see here: Pre-requisites (and other requirements) for Courses . The Course Requirement object (introduced in v3.6) is located under the Course object. It outlines the requirements (pre-requisites, co-requisites, etc.) for said Course. For example, this Course for 'BUS104' has a requirement. Whereby the Cours
Overview This article covers how to create requirements for Courses that students need to fulfil, in order to be eligible to enroll to it. For example: The student needs to take and pass Course A first, before they can enroll to Course B. The student needs to complete Course A first (grades do not matter), or at least enroll to Course A first, befor
Overview This article describes how waitlists can be created for Sessions (classes). Use case A lecture class Session is being prepared for students to join. However, due to logistical challenges (e.g. lack of classroom capacity, faculty availability), the university cannot cater to a large amount of students at a single time. For example, the Sessi
You may get an email from Salesforce informing you that your self-signed certificate has expired. If that is the case, you can follow the steps below to renew your certificate. We recommend doing this after hours. As the self-signed certificate will be used in different configurations such as domain settings, identity provider configurations, single
This learning material explains the mechanics of student housing - the facility (i.e. dormitory), the Housing record which contains an applicant's information and preferences, and the Room Allocation Wizard to filter and assign the suitable room. A practical exercise is available here . Slides are also available here .
This functionality provides the ability for students to apply for Housing (accommodation) . The student will submit an application before the registrar/faculty/admin proceeds to approve it and assign them a room. What's included: Flow: A screen flow to guide the user step by step and submit a Housing Application form. To set this up, you can follow
Description When opening reports in the RIO Education folders, you may find that some of the reports have no data to display. Instead, the attached error message may be displayed: We couldn't complete your request. The report definition is obsolete. Your administrator has disabled all reports for the custom object, or its relationships have changed.
RIO Ed - Attendance Display Component Name RIO Ed - Attendance Display API Name rio_ed:attendanceDisplay Type Standalone Recommended Pages Contact, Course Connection, Program Enrollment Supported In Salesforce Internal The Attendance Display component is used to show the students attendance rate within a period of time in a variety of charts (line,
Overview This module revolves around Program Course Requirements, which are the requirements that must be met for Plan Requirements. Here is a relevant reading material (generic example): Pre-requisites (and other requirements) for Courses . What will be evaluated No data creation/upsert is required for this task, if your Course Requirements and Pl
Overview This article will cover the two main settings for the grading component , which are the: Grading Period Type (which period are this grades for). Grading Period Setting (locking/unlocking the grading component). Use case Grading students throughout their Term (semester) is split into the first half (Mid-Term) and the second half (Final Gra
User Administration Video link: Timestamp Documentation 0:00 - Standard User RIO Education's Profile and Permission Set 0:19 - Student User 0:46 - Faculty User 1:24 - Standard User Permission 1:46 - Student User Permission 2:08 - Faculty User Permission
Attendance Event (object) The attendance event object is used to identify when students will be away before the session. Typically if a student is going to be away, they or a parent may inform the school of the absence. If the absence is stored in an attendance event object then the attendance marking component will be able to find and use it. When
Fields mapping and RIO Connect component You can view the detailed fields mapping and additional Salesforce components being referenced by the RIO Connect: eCAF for RIO Education here . (Note: Kindly send us a request if you wish to access our Google documents. For more on our security policy, see here ). To learn more about the integrations schedul
Custom Permission REDU - Admin, REDU - Faculty, REDU - Student Event BeforeInsert, BeforeUpdate Object Course Connection Related RIO Education Settings None Description When a new Course Connection is inserted and the 'Plan Requirement' field is populated, this class will automatically populate the Course Connection's 'EFTSL' field, using the EFTSL
Overview This article will cover how an admin can assign more than one faculty member (i.e. professor, lecturer) and multiple facilities (i.e. classroom, lab) to a single Session, via the Session Scheduler . Use case Multiple faculty members A lab Session will be administered by two faculty members (i.e. one lecturer, and one lab assistant). This m
Component Name RIO Ed - Related List - Single (Aura) API Name rio_ed:CustomSingleRelatedList Type Standalone Recommended Pages Any record page in both internal or digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal The RIO Ed - Related List - Single (Aura) component is a custom related list, as opposed to the standard one in Salesforce (Related List
Video link: See also: Setting up Fees for Courses .
For more information on installing the RIO Education Housing Extension, head here . RIO Education Housing Extension 1.4 Release date: 23rd May 2023 1.4 New Install Before you upgrade We recommend you to test new versions in a sandbox first (according to your own
Custom Permission None Event AfterInsert, AfterUpdate Object Discipline Requirement Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class helps to simplify the creation of Discipline Requirements. When a Discipline Requirement (Group) is: created with a lookup to a Plan Requirement (Group), or, updated to have that lo
Description How to export the list of students from a Session that the faculty teaches? Resolution This feature is not currently available in RIO Education. However, this can be achieved by using Salesforce reports: You will need to setup/create a Salesforce report which is the Session Connection report. Ensure that all the columns required are in
Description Users are unable to enroll to a Course (or unenroll from it). This article will highlight the different potential reasons, and how to resolve them. Example scenarios Missing button on the Enrollment Wizard The enroll / unenroll button from the Enrollment Wizard is missing. If the button is missing when trying to enroll to a Course, check
Overview This article covers how the Shared Group feature can be used to create a Program Plan that also shares another Program Plan's Courses. Use case Sometimes you’ll want a Program Plan to also offer some of the Courses from other Program Plans . You might also want to have a reusable list of elective Courses for multiple Programs. This can be
RIO Challenge C07.4 - Course Withdrawal (after Census Date) It is common for University students to enroll to a Course, but later decide to withdraw, after deciding that the Course was not a good fit and they should choose a different Course instead. Sometimes, a student might have withdrawn from a Course after the Census Date (the last date for Cou
Overview This module revolves around setting up Term Holiday records. This links a Holiday with the Term (semester) that the Holiday falls on. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. For each Holiday created (as per the use case), there must be a Term Holiday to link the Holiday with the Term that
Overview This module revolves around Scholarship Application. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Ready: Scholarship Functionality . What will be evaluated In one of the previous tasks, you would have already created Funding records. Make sure that the 'Funding Start Date' is not in the future (is not ahead o
Overview This is a manual or guide on installing RIO Education from scratch and setting up other features such as Community (portal). Steps 1. Install EDA i. Install EDA Install EDA using the installer here . You can follow the steps in the Salesforce Product Documentation here . If the EDA version is before 1.114, the Education Cloud Settings shou
Description Why scholarship funds are not allocated to pay off Student Fees? Resolution A possible reason is that the census date has passed. This means that the Student Fee is locked, and if the Fee Line Disbursement method is used, negative Fee Lines cannot be created to offset it. For a more detailed explanation and steps to configure, see: Finan
The payment module in RIO Education consists of the following objects: Student Fee . Fee Line . Payment . Payment Configuration (Custom Metadata Type). Configuration In the student community, an admin can enable the Payments component from the My Programs page. This component will show students their current Student Fees and Fee Lines , and allow th
Overview This article showcases how students can be automatically enrolled to Sessions . Note: The other article on ' Auto enrollment to Courses ' is only for automatic enrollment of students to Courses. Use cases Automatic enrollment to both Course and Session A university is offering an Academic Program, whereby students will not be selecting the
RIO Ed - Single Timesheet (Aura) Component Name RIO Ed - Single Timesheet (Aura) API Name rio_ed:timesheet Type Bundle Recommended Pages This is bundled in RIO Ed - Timesheet List (Aura) From the timesheet list in the Community portal, you can bring up a single timesheet by either viewing an existing one from the list, or creating a new timesheet. A
Study Rule Introduced in v3.15, the Study Rule is an object that is used to check if a student has met the requirements for progression and program completion. This will determine whether the student is allowed to continue enrolling into the next Term, or count the program as Completed. These often include common checks such as: Outstanding Fees.
Session Rules (See also: Scheduling Classes). Session Rules is a feature to help students and faculty to define and determine if the students have met the requirements when selecting Sessions. These are defined on the Course Offering's “Session Rules” field. For example, a Course Offering may have 2 Sessions (a lecture and a tutorial, set on th
Who to contact? If you have a question about your support request, please refrain from contacting our employees' personal emails. Instead, please email the support team right here at: Alternatively, you may write us a support ticket (Technical & User Support) here at: We will get
Session Group (object) Session Groups are used to set the amount of available places in a Session , for different groups of students. It filters available places based on the Program Enrollment’s Study Groups. This way, we can allow a maximum number of students to enroll into a Session, but we could limit them to a different number of students from
Overview This module revolves around setting up Program Disciplines (i.e. Majors and Minors). Here are the relevant reading material (generic example): Majors and Minors . Program Discipline . What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. There must be a Program Discipline created for each of the Majors
Description How do Admin users log into the Student Portal as the Student? Resolution Here are the following steps: Inside Salesforce, select Accounts, filter by Students, and choose the desired Student account you wish to log into. Inside the Student Account, click 'Log in to Experience as User' at the top right. Note: If the 'Log in to Experience
2.4 Release date: 28th May 2019 What’s new in RIO Education version 2.4 Added a customizable Related List lightning component. Enhancements Can add qualified faculty to departments/disciplines.
Overview This module revolves around setting up Discipline Requirements. These are the group of Courses that are required to be completed for a Program Discipline (i.e. Major/Minor). Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: Discipline Requirement . Program structure . What will be evaluated You must create the follow
2.3 Release date: 30th April 2019 What’s new in RIO Education version 2.3 Create Primary Faculty from Session record. Enhancements New out of the box report showing session booking issues. Single community space for students/faculty communities to utilize chatter groups, etc. New “Some Rejected” status to Faculty Status rollup. Location double booki
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 37 - Cohort Enrollment Dependent Data Term Course Offering Session Object ID rio_ed__Cohort_Enrollment__c Cohort Enrollment Cohort Enrollment outlines which batch / cohort / class standing of students can enroll to a Course Offering or
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
For more information on installing the RIO Education Housing Extension, head here . RIO Education Housing Extension 1.5 Release date: 26th June 2023 1.5 New Install Before you upgrade We recommend you to test new versions in a sandbox first (according to your own test c
Housing Application (object) Note: This requires the Housing Extension Package and the RIO Ready: Housing Application Form . This is a record of a student's application for housing (accommodation), which is automatically generated when the student submits a request via the Student Community. It is linked to a student's Contact, and tracks their hous
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the attributes (the configurable settings), and, the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"). Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, or components for a specific enhancement, this means it is automatically available upon installing this new ve
Transfer Agreement The Transfer Agreement object (added in v3.9) identifies the individual Courses lined up for transfer. Additionally, it holds details about the student’s Transfer Agreement, and links to an Agreement record that has the predefined Agreement Courses . Transfer Agreement allows the Credit Transfer function to support student mobilit
Student Scheduler (Try out our RIO Challenge here for a practical exercise.) The Student Scheduler is used by system admin to enroll students into Sessions , and as of v3.12, into Course Offerings as well. This article will cover the basic function of the Student Scheduler as well as other rules or field sets to customize its usage. Note As of v3.12
Transfer Credit (object) The Transfer Credit object is automatically created when a student's credits is transferred from an external Course to another institution. It is a record of a student's credit transfer, where the credits they earned from a previous Course , is transferred to another one of similar syllabus, at a different institution. If st
Component Name RIO Ed - Calendar (Aura) API Name rio_ed:TimelineComponent Type Standalone Recommended Pages Contact page for both internal or digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal This is the component behind the calendar used in the "My Sessions" page, in the Student and Faculty Communities (portals). Supported configuration Course Co
Description What does the "Payment Method (null - null) unavailable" error mean, and how to resolve it? Resolution In Fee Lines , there are some fields: "Course Connection Fee Type" and "Course Connection Fee Type Option". These fields need to match a value in the Payment Configuration metadata. These are normally things like "Self Paid" or "Financi
Custom Permission REDU - Admin, REDU - Faculty, REDU - Student Event AfterUpdate Object Requirement Related RIO Education Settings None Description Whenever an existing Requirement's Requirement Name, Priority, Requirement Detail, Due Date, Owner or Review Status fields are updated, this class will update the Subject, Priority, Comments, Due Da
Overview This article will cover how to create custom PE Pathways for a student. Use case There might be special cases where a student has to deviate from the standard pathway and take a custom pathway instead. For example, the student might be taking some of the Courses at different Terms than the standard pathway. RIO Education admin can tailor a
Description If students from a different/external university are transferring here, will they need to study the Courses that are similar to the ones they completed before? And if students from this university are transferring, how to let the other university know that they have completed some Courses here, and do not need to take them again? Resolut
Requirement Template (Note: This is one of the objects related to Application Requirements and Checklist. For a use case and example, see here .) Introduced in v3.11, this object serves as a template for the Requirements that users will need to perform (if active). Requirement Set Template ---> Requirement Set . Requirement Templa
Overview This article will cover the use case of setting different enrollment open dates for Course Offerings. Note: For setting different enrollment open dates for different cohorts or batches of students (i.e. junior, senior), see: Cohort Enrollment instead. Use case A new Term is about to start for students to enroll to Course Offerings . Same
Overview This module revolves around setting up facilities, which are the buildings and their rooms. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. As per the use case and spreadsheet data, there are buildings, whereby each building contains rooms. This goes for both learning facilities and residence. Thu
RIO Ed - Student Scheduler Component Name RIO Ed - Student Scheduler API Name rio_ed:studentScheduler Type Standalone Recommended Pages App page for internal Supported In Salesforce Internal This is the component for the Student Scheduler wizard. As of v3.12, there are 3 types of RIO Ed - Student Scheduler components: RIO Ed- Student Scheduler (Cour
Overview This module revolves around Student Fees being generated for a student's current Term. What will be evaluated Before this task, you would have already created Fees. You would have also enrolled to a Program (as a student). Now, you will need to navigate to the Term that the student is currently enrolled in (i.e. the student's current Term),
Overview This module revolves around the installation of the RIO Education Housing Extension, which supports student housing (accommodation) application and room allocation. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: Housing Extension Installer Product . What will be evaluated The RIO Education Housing Extension and all
Overview This module revolves around generating Student ID for applicants who have been admitted as university students. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Ready: Student ID Generation Functionality . What will be evaluated Navigate to the Student Contact whose Program Application was approved in the previou
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs: 2 - Account_Campus Dependent Data: Educational Institution Object ID Account Campus The Campus will be the next record to be created after Educational Institution. A Campus is the location of the University or institution's buildings/
Description A student has been given special permission to take a Course without having to complete a pre-requisite Course as a requirement. For example, the student is allowed to take 'Advanced Economics' without needing to complete 'Introduction to Economics' first. How to allow this, only for some of the students that were given permission? Reso
Overview This article covers the leave application process for faculty/staff, as well as its implications for Session booking. Use case A faculty member is entitled to annual (and/or personal) leave. Staff Leave is created and stored under the Contact record for the faculty, which tracks the total amount of entitled leave for that faculty. The Staff
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Overview This module revolves around enrollment into Courses. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: Student Enrollment Wizard . What will be evaluated Previously, you would have already created Course Offerings, for the Courses offered in the upcoming Term. Now, a student must log into the Student Portal, view the
RIO Ed - Attendance Register (Aura) Component Name RIO Ed - Attendance Register (Aura) API Name rio_ed:attendanceRegister Type Standalone Recommended Pages Attendance in digital experience Supported In The Booking object in Salesforce Internal When viewed in the Community portal: Supported configuration Attendance Marking Info Additional Field Set N
Fields mapping and RIO Connect component You can view the detailed fields mapping and additional Salesforce components being referenced by the RIO Connect : Campus Ivy for RIO Education here . (Note: Kindly send us a request if you wish to access our Google documents. For more on our security policy, see here ). To learn more about the integrations
RIO Challenge C14.2 - Transfer Credit A student has previously completed some Courses at another university. He is looking to transfer the credits from those Courses to his new university here, so that he would not have to take the Courses here that have similar syllabus. Learning outcomes Understand how to use the Transfer Credits Wizard and the fu
RIO Challenge C15 - Grading The Grading Settings record defines the Grade Value and its corresponding Grade Range (i.e. High Distinction at 90 - 100, Distinction at 70 - 89.9, etc.). When a Course is graded, it will look up to the Grade Settings and populate the Grade Value (i.e. Distinction, High Distinction) accordingly. Learning outcomes Understa
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Description If I am planning to delay the start of a Term , how do I change the start date, census date, and end date for all the units/ Courses ? Can the dates for Sessions be updated in bulk, or this would require amending at the individual Session level? Resolution If there is a need to change dates related to Terms (i.e. start date, census date
This requires the Short Course Feature license. Introduced in v3.12 to support Continuing Education , this component is used on the Student Community, to display the short courses that are offered ( Study Offerings ). For example, you can create a new page called 'Short Courses' on the Community Builder to place this component (navigate to Setup >
2.6 Release date: 27th May 2020 What’s new in RIO Education version 2.6 Appointment Scheduling Wizard. Faculty Timesheets. Course Grading Wizard and Automation. Support for Dual Qualifications. Credit Transfers. Custom course colours in Calendars. Data Reminder for the community. Extension package for RIO Education to support Person Account. Metadat
Booking A Booking record is generated when Sessions and Appointments are created. A single Booking represents a single "event". For example, a lecture Session throughout a Term would have 20 classes every Monday at 9 am, thus, there would be 20 Bookings for the matching dates and time. See here for details on creating Sessions. A Booking record trac
Overview This article will explain how an institution can handle students' request for accommodation and assign them to suitable rooms based on needs/requirements. Note: This will require the Housing Extension Package and the RIO Ready: Housing Application Form . (Check out our slides here , or try out our RIO Challenge here for a practical exercis
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
This learning material explains how scholarship functionality works in RIO Education. A practical exercise is available here . Slides are also available here .
Description How do you configure Credit Transfer Grade in Grade Settings? Resolution You don't need to configure the Credit Transfer Grade under Grade Settings, just marking the Grade Result with 'Credit Transfer' will do.
Term Holiday (object) A Term Holiday is used as a junction object to assign a Holiday to a semester ( Term ). For example, Remembrance Day falls on 11th November. In the 2022 academic year, Term 2 covers the second half of the year (including November). Thus, Remembrance Day should be a Term Holiday for 2022 Term 2. For more information on creating
Overview We do not provide Salesforce training, but here are the following Salesforce Trailheads and certifications that you may try out. Learning material Terminology Glossary Navigation Salesforce CRM Lightning Experience Features Lightning Experience for Salesforce Classic Users Certification Salesforce Administrator Salesforce Architect Salesfor
Fields mapping and RIO Connect component You can view the detailed fields mapping and additional Salesforce components being referenced by the RIO Connect: PowerFAIDS for RIO Education here . (Note: Kindly send us a request if you wish to access our Google documents. For more on our security policy, see here ). To learn more about the integratio
Requirement (object) (Note: This is one of the objects related to Application Requirements and Checklist. For a use case and example, see here .) Introduced in v3.11, a Requirement represents the required actions that users need to perform for a process. For example, an applicant is required to upload his academic transcript during the Program Appli
Overview This module revolves around setting up records for Faculty members (e.g. tutors, lecturers). What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. In the previous task, you would have already created university departments for each one specified in the given use case. Now, there must be a Contact record
Overview This article covers the process of creating Sessions (e.g. lecture, tutorial classes) and assigning the facility (venue) and faculty (e.g. lecturer). Note: This article acts as a walkthrough/guide on the steps. For detailed information on the system, see this instead: Session Scheduler . You can also create Sessions using templates. For a
Custom Permission REDU - Student, REDU - Guest Event AfterUpdate Object Study Offering Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class serves to prevent students and guest users from “over-enrolling” to a Study Offering, i.e. going over the Study Offering's capacity. If a user: has REDU - Student or REDU - Guest
Overview This module revolves around creating Grade Settings, which will outline the range of grades and their corresponding values. This will be used when grading students. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. There must be a full set of data created for all the Grade Ranges (mentioned in the g
Agreement The Agreement object (also named "Partner/External Agreement") represents an agreement between an Educational Institution and another external Educational Institution. For example, an agreement can be made between two universities to have a credit transfer , from one institution to another. It is the first of the records that need to be cr
Universities may have their preferred platform to manage HR related affairs. With RIO Connect, when a new Faculty is onboarded, this will create the Faculty record in the RIO Education and grant them access to the Faculty Portal. See the following systems supported by RIO: Flare HR
Want to get instant updates on new version releases, events, and our monthly newsletter? Check out and join our Trailblazer Group, right here !
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 2.14.14 Release date: 6th July 2022 Added System.isBatch() and System.isQueueable() check to ensure that we do not invoke the future method in asynchronous processing. Please note that the syncContactUser() won't be executed at all in asynchronous mode due to Sal
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 2.11 Release date: 7th May 2021 Enhancements Program Structure & Pathways (Please refer to v3.0 release notes for details). Fee Enhancements (Please refer to v3.0 release notes for details). Optimize Completion Engine. Program Enrollment automation to stop cr
Component Name RIO Ed - Create Faculty Component API Name rio_ed:CreateFacultyComponentLwc Type Standalone Recommended Pages Session Page for internal Supported In Salesforce Internal Attribute Name API Name Description Maximum Height maxHeight Maximum height of the component in pixel. Enable Infinite Loading enableInfiniteLoading To enable infinite
Role (object) Field Description Auto Allocate Checkbox to automatically allocate this object Deleted Checkbox to denote this object as deleted. Double Booking Count Number of Bookings being updated as Double booked. Plan Lookup to the Plan object. Published Check this to make the Session available in calendars and enrollment wizard (Inherit from S
Description Is your Salesforce user having an issue viewing student's profile pictures? For instance, the picture panel component is stuck at the loading screen as shown below: Resolution The user should have the access if it is assigned with the REDU permission sets : REDU - Admin. REDU - Student. But if the user doesn't have any REDU permission se
Overview RIO Education supports class sharing where you can open up a Session from a Course Offering to students from different Course Offerings. This usually happens when the Session has the same study content and is taught by the same Faculty at the same time and location. Use case Students taking the ICT112 Programming Course are enrolled to a S
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 27 - Session Time Dependent Data Session Course Offering Facility Object ID rio_ed__Session_Time__c Session Time Session Time will specify the Session date, location, and date range. Using the Session example of BUS101 with 4 Sessions:
Component Name RIO Ed - Custom Record Form (Aura) API Name rio_ed:StudentReportingForm Type Standalone Recommended Pages Any record page in both internal or digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal Attribute Name API Name Description Object Name objectType Name of object. Field Set Name fieldsetName Name of field set. Section Label sectio
Appointment Scheduler Recommended Permission Set To access this, you need either one of these permission sets, depending on user type: For internal/admin users: REDU - Admin, REDU - Operational Admin. For faculty users: REDU - Faculty. For student users: REDU - Student. See also: RIO Education User Profile, Custom Permission, and Permission Set . Al
Description Why Fee Lines cannot be created or updated? And why the error "Cannot add Fee Lines to a locked Student Fee" appears when trying to enroll a student? Resolution This is likely due to the current date being over / past the census date (final date for enrolling/unenrolling from a Course). When this occurs, the Student Fees and Fee Lines wi
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 24 - Contact ( Faculty ) Dependent Data University Department (Account) Object ID Contact Contact (Faculty) The Contact (Faculty) tab is where you list down the contact details of Faculty members of the Educational Institution. Each Fa
Description How to manually enroll students to Courses ? Resolution The following are the manual steps: Navigate to the specific Program Enrollment . Go to the " Course Connections " tab > the "Course Connections" section. Create a "New" Course Connection with a Student record type. Ensure that the "Contact" looks up to the correct student. Ensu
RIO Ed - Course Connection Grade Breakdown (Aura) Component Name RIO Ed - Course Connection Grade Breakdown (Aura) API Name rio_ed:gradeBreakdown Type Standalone Recommended Pages Course Connection object page in Digital Experience and Salesforce Internal Supported In Digital Experience and Salesforce Internal Supported configuration Section Title F
Overview This module revolves around the installation of the RIO Education Student Information System, which you will be using throughout this certification process. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Education - Full Package Installation Guide . What will be evaluated The RIO Education package, along with a
Component Name RIO Ed - Data Reminder Configuration (Aura) API Name rio_ed:DataReminderConfiguration Type Standalone Recommended Pages Data Reminder Configuration object new/edit action override Supported In Salesforce Internal Attribute Name API Name Description Add Parent Button State addParentButtonState Type = Boolean.Default = False. Solution O
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 11 - Account_Uni_Dept Dependent Data Educational Institution Object ID Account University Department The University Department is the Educational Institution's division e.g. School of Business, School of Law, etc. RIO University will h
Here are the guides for US reporting using RIO Education: RIO Reporting Guide - IPEDS . RIO Reporting Guide - National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) .
2.8 Release date: 24th August 2020 Enhancements Plan Line Bookings are deleted after removing Session Time Bookings. One-Off Session Time Date / Day Validation. Bug Fixes TDTM Apex Classes now pass the new Salesforce Critical Update.
Overview This article will explain how Student Fees can be regenerated. Use case A student is taking a part-time Program, where the Student Fees are charged based on the number of Courses selected/enrolled. Some time later, the student changes his/her mind and decides to take the Program on a full-time basis, where the Student Fees will be a fixed a
Overview This article covers the components and objects involved in the admissions process - from new applicant sign up to application review and approval. Components and objects Stage in the admissions process Component / object / page involved Student Community landing page The "Home" page on the Student Community. The "Home (Guest)" Page Variatio
Overview This module revolves around setting up university departments. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. There must be an Account record with the right record type, created for every university department (school) outlined in the given use case. The university department must be under the ed
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the attributes (the configurable settings), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, or RIO Ed - Aura components for a specific enhancement, this means it is auto
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Student Enrollment Wizard (Note: For unenrolling or withdrawing from a Course, see here instead.) Recommended Permission Set To access this, you need either one of these permission sets, depending on user type: For internal/admin users: REDU - Admin, REDU - Operational Admin. For faculty users: REDU - Faculty. For student users: REDU - Student. See
Overview This article will explain how a Program is structured in RIO Education. For example, let's assume that a Program has some Courses that are considered 'Core', which students must complete regardless of the Major/Minor. The Program will also contain Courses meant for the Majors/Minors, i.e. specialized Courses. Students are required to take a
Overview This article will cover how Users are created for students, faculties, and admins (not system admin). See also: RIO Education User Profile, Custom Permission, and Permission Sets . Student User Profile REDU - Student Permission Set / Permission Set Group REDU - Student Method 1 - Self register via the Student Community When a new applicant
RIO Challenge RIO Challenge is a series of practical exercises that will help a user understand the features, functionality, and implementation best practice for the RIO Education SIS. Challenge type In conjunction with our RIO Education Certification path, RIO Challenge can be categorized into three types: Functional, Technical, and Advanced
Looking to start a RIO Education project with us? Great, let's get started! At RIO Education, we know the commitment and determination required to implement a new SIS. Check out this video about our Project Scoping & Readiness Assessment methodology. We use it to gather information to help scope our customer's requirements, determine the estima
Description When setting up Program Enrollment to be created as part of Program Application submission, the following error was encountered, when submitting the Program Application as a Community User (Student): "FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id." Why am I unable to send the Program Application
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 3.0 Release date: 24th August 2021 What’s new in RIO Education version 3.0 Appointment Scheduler enhancements Student View - ability for students to book appointments in the student community. Faculty View - ability for Faculty to book appointments in the Faculty
Overview This article describes how an admin, who manages Sessions, can send out notifications to students and faculties. Note: This feature is available from v3.14 onwards. Use case An admin in charge of Sessions / timetabling wants to notify students and faculties when there are changes in their Session (e.g. change of time or venue). The admin
Description I have previously completed some Courses at an institution. How will credit transfer work if some of the Courses I completed are not available in this different institution? Resolution Here are a few use cases of credit transfers. Let's assume that RIO Institution has "Foreign Language" in one of their degrees: Foreign Language (6 credit
Grade Management & Assessment Video link: Timestamp Documentation 0:00 - Grade Settings Grade Settings Academic Program Account 1:03 - Course Grading Course Connection 1:31 - Transcript Generation Document Generation Using S-Docs 2:07 - Template Setup
Overview This article covers how institutions can use Program Offering , such as offering an Academic Program to different cohorts/batches of students, or offering it in different campuses. Use case An education institution offers the 'Bachelor of Business Information System' to its students. The institution will be conducting the Program in multipl
Overview (This is about the disbursement of scholarship funds. To create one for students to apply, see here instead.) This article covers how to control which Student Fee (from enrolled Courses) should receive scholarships funds first, and when. Note: If you wish to automatically disburse allocated funds to whichever Student Fee that comes first, s
RIO Challenge C06 - Housing Application Students looking for accommodation can submit a Housing Application request in the Student Community. This creates a Housing record for the administrators to review the student's request, preferences, and other information. Administrators can then allocate rooms using the Room Allocation Wizard. Learning outco
Info See here for the pre-requisites you will need to fulfil first, before taking the RIO Certification. Overview Congratulations on reaching the final stage of the RIO Partner Enablement Program! This article will provide you with details on how you can get started with the RIO Certification exam. Getting started Your RIO sandbox We wil
Overview There are 5 RIO Education apps or consoles that are accessible from the App Launcher; each with their own primary functionality, features or tabs, and the user segment they are intended for. The 5 consoles are as follows: RIO Admin Console The RIO Education School Admin Console primarily covers administrative functions and is intended for t
Attendance Checkpoint (object) Important fields Field name Description Attendance The related Attendance object which is the Master object to this Attendance Checkpoint. Activity The related Activity object which is the Master object to this Attendance Checkpoint. Attended Checkbox to indicate attendance. Absent Checkbox to indicate absence. Marked
Overview This article describes how you can implement Sessions (classes) and attendances for Continuing Education. Sessions and attendances are predominantly Higher Education functionalities, but these can be used in Continuing Education as well. Use case An organization is offering Continuing Education such as short courses, workshops, and/or mic
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 28 - Contact (Student) Dependent Data - Object ID rio_ed_Session_c Contact (Student) The Contact (Student) tab is where you list down the contact details of Students in the Educational Institution, though its rare to ever use this tab t
Overview (This is about the disbursement of scholarship funds. To create one for students to apply, see here instead.) This article covers how to automatically disburse allocated funds to help students pay the fees from enrolled Courses. (Try out our RIO Challenge here for a practical exercise.) Note: If you wish to control which specific fee should
Student Community Video link: Timestamp Documentation 0:04 - Session Calendar Session Scheduler RIO Ed - Session Calendar (Aura) 0:21 - Program Enrollments Program Enrollment 0:34 - Program Disciplines Program Discipline 0:57 - Full Program Results Grade Settings Releasing Student Results 1:08 - Student
Description You have to calculate the approximate Program Enrollment End Date even though it is still at an early stage of the enrollment. How to do this? Resolution There is a field at Application with Data Type Formula: IF( ISPICKVAL(rio_ed__Study_Mode__c, "Full-time"), ADDMONTHS(rio_ed__Starting_Term__r.hed__Start_Date__c,(12 * rio_ed__Program__
Custom Permission None Event AfterInsert, AfterUpdate Object Content Version Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class will run on ContentVersion - AfterInsert/AfterUpdate if ‘Generate Public Url’ = TRUE. It will generate a public Url via the ContentDistribution if one doesn’t exist (or find the existing one
Description Why is the Plan Requirement's requisites not working? Resolution Ensure that the Plan Requirement's "Allow Pre-Enrollment?" checkbox is not checked. You should also check if the Requirement Logic field (in the Plan Requirement) matches the "Requirement ID" definition setup at the Requisites record level (the Program Course Requirements c
Announcement (object) Introduced in v3.14, the Announcement object acts as a medium to host the info for announcements and notifications. The audience will be notified through a custom notification bundled in RIO Education, which will appear on both the internal and Digital Experience notification bell. By clicking on the notification, the audienc
Faculty Community Video link: Timestamp Documentation 0:00 - Session Calendar Session RIO Ed - Session Calendar (Aura) 0:19 - Session Acceptance/ Rejection Session Session Scheduler 0:36 - Appointment Scheduler Appointment Scheduler 1:23 - Attendance Marking RIO Ed - Attendance - Session List (Aura) Com
What is the difference between these two types of community licenses? Customer Community (CC). Customer Community Plus (CC+). The main difference is that Customer Community Plus (CC+) license grants us more access permission to other users' records. For example: Customer Community License (CC) Customer Community Plus License (CC+) I want to: See my
Component Name RIO Ed - Program Completion (Aura) API Name rio_ed:peGroupHierarchy Type Standalone Recommended Pages Program Enrollment page for internal Supported In Salesforce Internal This component displays (in table form) the details of a student's Program progress. Attribute Name API Name Description Program Enrollment Id progEnrolId Program
Location Holiday (object) A Location Holiday record represents a Holiday that is observed in a specific campus or country. For example, an Australian Educational Institution observes Remembrance Day. The facilities (e.g. meeting rooms) from Australian campuses should not be available for any Appointment bookings on those campuses on that day. For mo
Component Controller REDU_Campuses_LCTRL Attribute Name Type and Default Description label Type = String.Default = Campus: Label. progEnrolId Type = String. Program Enrollment Id. initCampusId Type = String. Initial Campus Id. doNotFireinitCampusSelect Type = Boolean.Default = False. Do not fire initial Campus selection (to avoid unwanted subscriber
Overview This article will explain how a student's credits from external Courses can be transferred to another institution. Note: For the object/record, see Transfer Credit (object) . For details on the wizard to do the transferring, see Transfer Credits Wizard and RIO Ed - Transfer Credits List . For automatic credit transfer, see this instead: Au
This learning material explains the most fundamental concepts of RIO Education's Program Structure , Pathways , and Disciplines . Slides also available here .
Financial aid management systems track and store students' applications for funding and government financial aid / loans. With RIO Connect, universities can integrate their RIO Education instance with these systems and sync across information on Scholarship/Funding approval and Disbursements. See the following financial aid management systems supp
Overview This article will cover how an education institution can waive Courses for its students. Use case A student who is taking a Bachelor of Business Information System, has sufficient knowledge (i.e. previous studies, practical experience) in a particular area, i.e. marketing. Hence, the student is requesting to skip the Course 'Introduction to
This learning material explains the concept of Term (semester), as well as understanding the difference between Course Offering and Session . A practical exercise is available here . Slides are also available here .
Fields mapping and RIO Connect component You can view the detailed fields mapping used by the RIO Connect: QBO for RIO Education here . (Note: Kindly send us a request if you wish to access our Google documents. For more on our security policy, see here ). To learn more about integrations schedule and trigger points outlined in the fields mapping, c
Components in the Community The following are the list of components in the Student Community, for both students and faculty. Each component here is also linked to its detailed article and explanation under the RIO Ed Components category . Student The following are the standard components that are typically used on the student page(s). Profile This
Description I have built a Digital Experience or Community, for students and faculties. How does the Salesforce bell icon work in RIO Education Digital Experience, and how do I 'push' the notification to them in the Digital Experience? Resolution Salesforce has its own Notification Builder. The default notifications can be found inside your Salesfor
RIO Ed - Term Grade Details (Aura) Component Name RIO Ed - Term Grade Details (Aura) API Name rio_ed:termGradeDetails Type Standalone Recommended Pages Course Connection and Term Grade object page in Digital Experience and Salesforce Internal Supported In Digital Experience and Salesforce Internal The RIO Ed - Term Grade Details (Aura) component dis
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 6 - Fee 7 - Fee Schedule 8 - Fee Schedule Term Dependent Data Course Academic Program Term Object ID Fee: rio_ed__Fee__cFee Schedule: rio_ed__Fee_Schedule__cFee Schedule Term: rio_ed__Fee_Schedule_Term__c Fee Fees are payments that stu
Overview This module revolves around setting up Program Plans. A Program Plan is the structure of an Academic Program. It contains other records under it that make up the program, such as Plan Requirement, Program Pathway, and Program Discipline. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. As per the g
Overview This article covers the usage of Quality Points, which is supported in RIO Education SIS from v3.10 onwards. Use case Quality Points represent the total points contributed by the Courses that students completed, to their GPA. The general formula is: Quality Points = Credit Hours x Grade. For example, a student has completed a Course worth 1
Overview This module revolves around setting up Funding data, which are the funds available for scholarship, that students can apply for. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. Create an active Funding record (the name and amount does not matter). Just make sure that: The 'Funding Start Date' is n
Overview This module revolves around setting up Course Requirements, which are the conditions that a student must fulfil in order to enroll to a Course. For example, before a student can enroll to a Course, the student needs to complete a different Course first. Here are the relevant reading materials (generic example): Pre-requisites and other requ
Fields mapping and RIO Connect component You can view the detailed fields mapping and additional Salesforce components being referenced by the RIO Connect: Moodle for RIO Education here . (Note: Kindly send us a request if you wish to access our Google documents. For more on our security policy, see here ). To learn more about integrations schedule
Overview This article covers how admin or faculty users can identify a particular PE Discipline Requirement (Group) that has received (or will receive) credits from a completed Course, in the event that the same Course happens to be listed in multiple groups. Use case A student has enrolled to a 'Bachelor of Business' Program where the selected Majo
For more information on integrating RIO Education with other financial systems such as Campus Ivy and PowerFAIDS, check out our articles here .
Description If your RIO Education is between version 3.11 to version 3.13.1, and, you have Users that are utilizing either one of these profiles / permission sets: REDU - Admin REDU - Operation Admin then, you might have encountered some errors related to a lack of access to Apex classes. Resolution Solution 1 Upgrade to version 3.14, which inc
This learning material explains how the auto credit transfer feature works, to automatically transfer credits from an existing Program to a new one. A practical exercise is available here . Slides are also available here .
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 3.2.4 Release date: 12th January 2022 Bug Fixes Enrollment Wizard ISS-000813 Enrollment wizard fails to show Results and Payments correctly when there are multiple program enrollments The rendering of the results and payment components in the enrollment wizard ar
RIO Ed - Appointment Scheduler (Aura) Component Name RIO Ed - Appointment Scheduler (Aura) API Name rio_ed:AppointmentScheduler Type Standalone Recommended Pages App page, record page, or digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal The Appointment Scheduler component can be on the Student Community, the Faculty Community, as well as the inte
Announcement Say hello to RIO Education v4! We are proud to announce that the latest version of our Student Information System can be installed on any Salesforce cloud, including Education Cloud. From 2024 onwards, we will then continue to maintain and enhance both versions of the existing RIO Education v3 and new RIO Education v4. Want to know mor
Accounting management is one of the most important functions for any university to perform. Student Fees (invoices) and Payment records are generated in RIO, as students are billed (e.g. tuition fees, accommodation) and make payments. With RIO Connect, these records (invoices and payments) can be synced to accounting systems for the finance team t
Description Faculty members would need to make amendments to a student's grades. They need to release the grades first, in order for the completion engine to calculate them. However, releasing the grades will automatically enable the students to view them. The faculty members do not want students to see the grades yet, as they are not finalized. How
Overview RIO Connect is used to connect RIO Education, a Student Management System, with TCSI , a reporting system. Video link: RIO Connect high level flow The following is the high level flow of RIO Connect: TCSI for RIO Education. See also For more information on enabling RIO Connect for TCSI, head
Staff Leave (object) The Staff Leave object is for faculty members to request and place leaves. The Staff Leave is created for them, which tracks the amount of entitled leave and requests. When approved, the faculty member’s automatically created Attendance records will be updated to reflect that they are unable to attend anything on those dates. A
RIO Ed - Sessions For Grading Component Name RIO Ed - Sessions For Grading API Name rio_ed:GradingSessions Type Standalone Recommended Pages The Grading page in digital experience (FacultyCommunity) The RIO Ed - Sessions For Grading component lists out and displays Sessions to be graded. Note: For the article on the grading component itself, see RIO
Overview Students can unenroll or withdraw from Courses and Sessions via the enrollment wizard . This article will cover how this can be done, it's implications, and how admin users can allow or prevent students from withdrawing/unenrolling. Use cases A student has enrolled to the 'BUS104 Introduction to Management' Course, but after attending some
RIO Ed - Session Grading (Aura) Not to be confused with another different component, RIO Ed - Sessions For Grading (Aura) , which lists out and displays the Sessions that need to be graded. Component Name RIO Ed - Session Grading (Aura) API Name rio_ed:gradingEnrolledStudents Type Standalone Recommended Pages Session Page for both internal or digi
Cohort Enrollment Cohort Enrollment allows different cohorts (batches) of students to enroll to a Course Offering or Session at different times. Different enrollment dates can be set for students from different class standings (i.e. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). This allows admin to prioritize available places for enrollment into Course Of
Custom Permission REDU - Student, REDU - Guest Event AfterUpdate Object Study Credits Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class prevents the overuse of Study Credits (beyond its available quantity) by students and guest users. If a user: has REDU - Student or REDU - Guest permission, and, is increasing t
Field mapping and RIO Connect component You can view the detailed field mapping used by the RIO Connect: Canvas for RIO Education here . (Note: Kindly send us a request if you wish to access our Google documents. For more on our security policy, see here ). To learn more about the integrations schedule and trigger points, including how to customize,
Description You have a Course Connection that looks up to a wrong Contact, and you wish to update it. However, the Course Connection has at least 1 Term Grade, which also looks up to the wrong Contact. Because of this, you are unable to update the Contact lookup on either records. Resolution In order to change the Contact lookup on the Cours
Contact Attendance (object) This object records the attendance for a Contact. Important fields Field name Description Contact Lookup to the Contact. Booking Lookup to the Booking (object) . Booking Start Formula field referencing the 'Start' and 'End' fields on the related Booking . Booking End Booking Status Formula field referencing the 'Booking
Overview This is a high level overview of setting up Student and Faculty Communities, which are portals for students and faculties respectively. This will cover the minimum required functions that you will need to set up. If you require extra functions or customization, you can refer to their dedicated instruction guides (links will be provided thro
Fields mapping and RIO Connect component You can view the detailed fields mapping and additional Salesforce components being referenced by the RIO Connect: Flare HR for RIO Education here . (Note: Kindly send us a request if you wish to access our Google documents. For more on our security policy, see here ). To learn more about the integrations sch
Overview (This is about the disbursement of scholarship funds. To create one for students to apply, see here instead.) This article covers how to use scholarship funds to pay off only a portion (discount) of the Student Fees. Note: To pay it off entirely (if the allocated funds are sufficient), see the following instead: Scholarship (Fee Line) - au
Overview This module revolves around setting up Program Pathways. A Program Pathway represents the duration of a Program, i.e. the number of Terms (semesters). Here are the relevant reading materials: Program Pathway and Pathway Unit . What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. A Program Pathway must
Disbursement (object) Introduced in v3.11, the Disbursement object is used when providing scholarship to students. It disburses the approved Funding Allocation to make Payments to the Student Fee. For a use case example, see: Scholarship (Disbursement) . Important fields Field Description Amount Disbursed Currency field denoting the amount tha
Here is a list of the compliance reporting standards that RIO Reporting supports: Australia 1. VSN (More info here ) 2. TEQSA (More info here ) 3. AVETMISS (More info here ) 4. TCSI (More info here ) United States IPEDS (More info here )
RIO Ed - Transfer Credits List This is the Transfer Credits component, which is used to list, add, remove, and Transfer Credits for a Program Application . Component Name RIO Ed - Transfer Credits List API Name rio_ed:transfercreditslist Type Standalone Recommended Pages Program Application page Supported In Salesforce Internal Developer section Att
Overview This module revolves around the installation of S-Docs from the AppExchange, which will be used in subsequent modules related to transcript generation. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Education - Full Package Installation Guide . What will be evaluated S-Docs should be installed on your instance,
Overview This article covers the different types of home pages of the Student / Faculty Community . To edit it, head to Setup > Digital Experiences > All Sites > Builder. Home (Guest) This will be the default landing page before logging in / signing up. You can customize the background image, text, etc. Home (Student) The default landing pa
PE Group The PE Group is a record of a student's enrollment to a Plan Requirement (Group) , which are the group of Courses that the student has to take for a selected Discipline (Major/Minor) . The Plan Requirement only acts as a template, whereas the PE Group is the student's record of enrollment and completion progress for it. The PE Group is auto
2.2 Release date: 26th February 2019 Enhancements Enhanced user type identification. Upgraded HEDA to version 1.67. Introduced roles for admin users and normal users. Greater functionality for Fee and Payment information. Payment wizard in student community has been updated. Feature to support Recognition of Prior Learning (RPF). Bug Fixes Uninstal
Overview The Person Account extension package allows RIO Education to support Person Accounts. Installation For information on installing this extension package, please see this article here . Configuration After installing the extension package, please perform the following setup: Set Person Account Record Type Id Go to Setup > Develop > Cust
Overview This article describes how you can manage a student's PE Pathways if said student skipped 1 or more Terms, and returned again subsequently. Note: This article only applies if your institution: Is using the manual “Enrollment Method” for the Program Pathways . Has linked each Term record to lookup to its previous Term. This makes every P
Custom Permission None Event AfterInsert, AfterUpdate, AfterDelete, AfterUndelete Object Study Registration Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class will automatically calculate and roll up the ‘Booked Places’ of a Study Offering. When a Study Registration : is created/updated against a Study Offering , a
RIO Education Reporting Engine is able to produce HESA reports in the xml format. Each HESA element is reported based on the data from the equivalent RIO object. Here is a sample (make sure your machine has an application that can read xml). Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
Admissions systems are widely used by universities to receive and process program applications. With RIO Connect, when an Applicant is accepted in an Admission module outside of RIO Education, the Student + Program Enrollment would be created automatically in RIO. Admission Module within Salesforce (Custom or EDC) - connect via RIO Education API A
Grade (object) This object is a record of a student's grades from a Session . All the Grades that a student has achieved for a Course Offering (i.e. mid-term, finals) will be grouped in a Term Grade record (under their Course Connection ). Grades are created when the faculty grades the students' Sessions . Take note that Grade Criteria must be cr
Congratulations to those who have completed RIO Challenge ! Check out the real-time leaderboard here:
The following tables outline the Letter of Offer fields to clarify , including remarks and logic. Domestic LOO (Template available here ) # Fields in the form to be clarified Remark / Logic Example 1 What date should the year be taken from forLetter of Offer «Course_Name» «Trimester_» «Year» PA.Starting Term.Start Date 2 Course Duration source? PA.
You can follow our articles to get email notifications whenever it is updated. To do so, kindly reach out to us, to be added as a user with a Helpjuice login account. Once you are logged in, you can follow our articles, as shown below. Updates on new version release For example, if you want to know whether a new version has been released, click on t
For more details, see: Creating scholarship for students .
2.7 Release date: 17th May 2021 What’s new in RIO Education version 2.7 Multi-Language support. Calendar for Sessions. Short Course Enrollment. Displaying PE Group Hierarchy for complex Group Structures. Class Scheduling for both classroom and teacher/faculty. Attendance features. Enhancements Ability to set Fee Label on program enrollment during cr
Description What are the OOTB RIO notification options that are built into the RIO product? Resolution RIO Education is not limited with a fixed set of notifications and is supported by all means of native Salesforce notification options. We do not have hard-wired notifications in RIO Education, except for the one notification shipped in the metadat
Component Name RIO Ed - Calendar API Name rio_ed:timelineCalendar Type Bundle Recommended Pages This is bundled in RIO Ed - Student Scheduler Supported In Salesforce Internal Attribute Name API Name Description Show Calendar Navigation Header (Student Info) showHeader Display calendar navigation. First Day of Week (Student Info) firstDay First day o
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 2.12 Release date: 28th May 2021 Enhancements Add Don't generate option to PE Pathway. Add Term to filter in session scheduler and student scheduler. Attendance Component: Support more options for tile click. Check Eligible to Enroll in enrollment wizards. Contro
Custom Permission None Event BeforeInsert, BeforeUpdate Object Order Line Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this trigger handler is created against the Order Line object. It will automatically calculate the ‘Amount’ field with the following formula: Amount = Quantity * Unit Price . This will automatically trigg
Description If a record (i.e. Student Fee) has been deleted, it can be found in the Recycle Bin. However, the details cannot be viewed, as well as some other records linked to it. Resolution In version 3.11, a new Audit Log object is added. Whenever a record is deleted, RIO Education will automatically create an Audit Log, containing data on that re
Overview This module revolves around student support requests. This feature allows students to raise requests (e.g. request for absence, appeal of results, etc.) from the Student Community. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Ready: Student Support Request Functionality . What will be evaluated You must login
Overview This article provides a general introduction and high level overview of the RIO Reporting Engine (AU). Installing Please visit this link to install the latest RIO Reporting Engine (AU). The RIO Reporting Engine (AU) package comes with several custom fields, some of which are cross-object fields. If you see an error (while installing)
Single org benefits Why is it recommended to have a single org setup for CRM and SIS, versus having them in separate orgs? Data: Single source of truth for student data - both teams are sharing the same records, hence, a single org reduces duplicate data. All your data is consolidated, and you can make more efficient use of it. Student insight - use
RIO Challenge C11 - Student Scheduling The Student Scheduler allows internal users to assign or schedule students to Course sessions (Classes, such as Tutorials and Lectures). Learning outcomes Understand how to use the Student Scheduler to assign students to Course sessions. Reading material Student Scheduler . Estimated time to complete 15 minute
There are 2 types of data that need to be migrated to RIO Education: Master Data Static set of data which the transactional data refers to.For example, Academic Program, Course, and Grade Setting. Transactional Data Data that changes over time, as students progress throughout each academic year. Transactional data will look up to the master data. Fo
Introduced in v3.14 as part of Continuing Education , the RIO Ed - Shopping Cart List is used when the student registers for Study Offerings. Each Study Offering the student ‘buys’ will be added as an Order Line into the shopping cart before checking out, much like how an e-commerce shopping cart works. Attribute Name API Name Description Orde
User Directories provide universities with a centralized repository where user profiles are stored and managed. In the Admission process, when an Applicant is accepted as a Student, their email/user accounts should be created in cloud-based systems such as Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. With RIO Connect, student user records in Salesforce can
Overview This module revolves around setting up data for Terms, which are the semesters for the university's academic calendar. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. As per the given use case, each academic year from RIO University will have 2 Terms. Take note of the Program's duration (the numbe
USI Integration Setting The following setup is according to RIO Education AU Reporting Engine 2.15 or later . Please consider upgrading the RIO Education AU Reporting Engine to the latest version if your org is using an older version. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types, and search for USI Integration Setting. Enter it, click "Manage USI In
RIO Challenge C03 - Program Setup A Program needs to define its Courses and requirements. For example, a Program should have requirements such as what Courses should be mandatory, and how many credits should be earned from a select group of Courses. Learning outcomes Understand how to setup Program structure Understand how the Program Pathway works
Hightail link Have a file with sensitive data that you need to share with us? We encourage a standard practice of using Hightail to share data. Here is a secure link to upload your data to the RIO Education team: Best practices It is important to avoid sharing Personally Identifiable Information (PII
This learning material covers the use cases for transferring credits , as well as incoming and outgoing transfers. A practical exercise is available here . Slides are also available here .
About this exam This exam is designed for participants to demonstrate their skills in: Requirement gathering and analysis based on a fictional university. Setting up the data required to enable basic features in RIO Education. Understanding the relationship between the data and the feature for RIO Education. Candidates must score 80% or above to pas
Component Name RIO Ed - My Tile (Aura) API Name rio_ed:myTile Type Standalone Recommended Pages Any page in digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal This component serves as a 'button' that can direct the user to another page. For example, the My Applications page on the Student Community can have 3 tiles for the different types of applic
Description You may be considering to clean up or archiving data related to RIO Education at some point. For example, you have a large number of old Course Connections from previous students over the years. Thus, you are planning to archive these old Course Connections. Considerations The common method of archiving data in Salesforce is to use a
Overview This module revolves around enrollment to Sessions. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: Student Enrollment Wizard . What will be evaluated As a student, you must log into the Student Portal. From the My Programs page, you should be able to view the Sessions in the enrollment wizard and enroll to them. Th
RIO Challenge C14.1 - Auto Credit Transfer In this challenge, we will explore how credit transfers can be done automatically when a student changes Programs (where a Course from the old Program is also required in the new Program). A student is transferring from one Program to another, and is looking to transfer the credits from some of the Courses
Description Question 1: When will the Booked Place be calculated for Course Offering and Session? Question 2: If a Course Connection is deleted, would RIO Education recalculate the Booked Places at the Course Offering? Similarly, if a Session Connection is deleted, would RIO Education recalculate the Booked Places at the Session? Resolution An
Overview This module revolves around applying for a program (as an applicant in the Student Community). What will be evaluated In this task, you will need to login to the Student Community as a new applicant, and apply for a program. Head to Setup > Digital Experiences > All Sites, and copy the URL of the Student Community. Then, paste
Some universities use timetabling systems to schedule their classes. Timetable is done outside of RIO before a term/semester starts. The result of the timetable should appear inside RIO Education for Student Enrollment. With RIO Connect, the classes scheduled by these timetabling systems can be synced across into RIO to ensure that students can vi
Description There is no Term to select when enrolling to Courses. Why is there no Term in the Enrollment Wizard? Resolution Here is a checklist that you may go through. 1. Make sure that the Account sharing set has at least a Read Only access. 2. Ensure that the Academic Program (that the Term is part of) is created under the correct Department.
RIO Challenge C07.2 - Waiting List There might be situations where the number of students enrolling to a Course Offering exceeds the number of available places. This would require the faculty to make some adjustments, e.g. increase the class capacity. The waiting list feature allows students to place their names on a waitlist, if they were unable to
Resource Location Field Name Deleted Checkbox to indicate that this record is deleted. Resource Location Number Text field to denote the Resource Location Number (required).
Component Name RIO Ed - Listed Sessions Calendar API Name rio_ed:listedSessionsCalendar Type Standalone Description Supported In Salesforce, Digital Experience Attribute Name API Name Description Session Ids sessionIds (This attribute is invisible, and needs to be populated programmatically by another custom component or flow) This is a li
Overview This module revolves around Housing Application. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Ready: Housing Application Form . What will be evaluated In one of the previous tasks, you would have already created records of Facilities (including residence buildings and rooms). Now, you must login to the Studen
Overview This module revolves around setting up Fee Schedule data. It defines the Fee Amount for a defined period (i.e. each year). What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. In the previous task, you would have already created Fees. Now, for each Fee record, you must create a Fee Schedule. One (1) Fe
Component Name RIO Ed - Transfer Credit Catalog API Name rio_ed:TransferCreditCatalog Type Standalone Description Displays Courses that are available for credit transfer Supported In Student Community Added in v3.12, this catalog serves to display the Courses that are available for credit transfer . Students who have transferred from external univer
Overview This article covers the process of reattempting or retaking a Course, with the following scenarios: Retaking a failed Course. Retaking a passed Course (to try and achieve better results). Use cases Reattempt a failed Course A student has failed a Course, whereby his/her grades are insufficient to achieve a 'Pass' result (see also: Grade Set
RIO Challenge C08 - Student Fee and PDF Generation When a student enrolls to a Term, a Program Enrollment record will be automatically created, together with the PE Pathway record. In a PE Pathway record, the Student Fees and Fee Lines will also be automatically created, which are fees associated to the Courses enrolled. Learning outcomes Understand
Overview This module revolves around setting up Grade Criteria. These records "break down" the total score of a Course into assignments, exams, etc. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. The Course 'UN100 - Literary Heritage' must have Grade Criteria for each of the assessment types (as per the u
Description There are various information linked to a student such as their country, student ID, etc. For example: Let's say that lecture or tutorial Sessions are held virtually, and there are many students from various countries with differing time zones. You are using the Student Scheduler to enroll and group students in Sessions according to cou
Overview This article covers the action of updating the date for Session bookings, and how it will update/affect the date for Session Connections for both faculty and students. Use case Class Session bookings for a Course have been created via the Session Scheduler . For example, a Session is initially set with a start date of 1st December and an en
Leave Request (object) For faculty and staff to apply for leave, they will need to create a Leave Request, which will then be reviewed and approved. The Staff Leave object is the master object to the Leave Request object. The Leave Requests will be tracked under the Staff Leave (for that staff/faculty). For more use case information, see: Leave for
Overview This module revolves around creating Holiday records that will be observed by the institution, e.g. public holidays and breaks. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. All holidays in each academic year must be created with the correct start and end dates, according to the use case. Take n
Overview This module revolves around setting up Course data. Course records serve as templates that students can enroll to, in the form of Course Offerings. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. There must be a Course record for all the Courses listed in the spreadsheet data. The Courses must car
RIO Challenge C10.1 - Session Scheduling (Session Template) Sessions refer to classes, tutorials, etc., that are managed in the Session Scheduler, which students will attend for their Courses. Sessions will require templates, from which a class will then be recurring at a given time and on a given day of the week. Learning outcomes Understand how t
Overview This module revolves around setting up Qualified Faculty records, which will specify the Faculty members (e.g. tutors, lecturers) that are qualified to teach a particular Course. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. Previously, you would have already created Courses and faculty members.
Overview This module revolves around setting up Fee Schedule Term data. It links a Fee Schedule with a Term that corresponds to the duration defined in the Fee Schedule. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. In the previous 2 tasks, you have created Fees and Fee Schedules. The Fee Schedule repres
Overview This module revolves around setting up academic programs. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. As per the given use case, this is a liberal arts program, where all students will be enrolling to one (1) Undergraduate program. Therefore, there must be one (1) Academic Program. It must bel
Overview When a student unenrolls from a Course, or when an admin user updates the Course Connection's 'Enrollment Status' field to any of the 'Withdrawn' options, the Session Connection is deleted automatically. Resolution If the student has no attendance record, the Session Connection is automatically deleted upon withdrawing from a Course Connect
Overview This module revolves around grading students in the Faculty Community. Here are the relevant reading materials: Grading students' Sessions . What will be evaluated In an earlier task, you would have already created Grade Criteria for UN100. Also, the student should already be enrolled to UN100 (both the Course and Session) previously. Now,
Custom Permission None Event AfterUpdate Object Study Registration Related RIO Education Settings None Description This class is introduced in v3.14. When: there are Course Connections and Session Connections that were created as a result of registering to a Study Offering that is linked to a Course Offering , AND, the related Study Registrati
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 14 - Academic Program Dependent Data University Department Object ID Account Academic Program The Academic Program in RIO Education is similar to the general Bachelor or Diploma Degree that most higher education institutions have. This
Description Your student is self-registered (contact and community user have been created for the student). When you create a Program Application for this student and switch the status from Draft to Submitted, you may hit into an error stating "Portal account owner must have a role". Resolution This is because RIO Education OOTB feature is creati
Description I have received an error as follows: Failed to process Queueable job for class rio_ed.BK_DoubleBooking_QUEUE Caused by: System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded What could be the reason behind this? Resolution If you are performing updates on Session , Session Time , and Allocation, then, the double booking job (BK_DoubleBoo
Description When I update the ‘Grade’ field in the Course Connection , I do not get a value under ‘Grade Value’. Similarly, when I update the ‘Grade Value’ field, the ‘Grade’ disappears instead. Why am I unable to get a value for the fields ‘Credits Attempted’, ‘Credits Earned’, ‘Grade Points’ or ‘Grade Result’? Resolution This is likely due to the
For more information on installing the RIO Education AU Reporting Engine, head here . RIO Education AU Reporting Engine 2.13 Release date: 15th November 2022 2.13 Install WARNING: If you are installing into an existing Salesforce org - STOP and contact
This learning material explains how fees work at the Program level in RIO Education (see also: Fee/Billing Management ). Slides also available here .
Overview This is a guide on our practices on sharing Google documents with our valued customers and partners, to ensure that your data is protected. How we will share documents We will not use the "Anyone with the link" sharing setting to share our Google documents. Instead, we will share the documents directly with you, where you can access the fi
Overview This module revolves around setting up Course Offerings. Course Offerings are the records created from template Courses, which students will be able to enroll to. What will be evaluated (You are recommended to create these in your instance, instead of using the Data Loader.) In the RIO Education University Spreadsheet Data, there are some C
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 19 - Program Pathway 20 - Pathway Unit Dependent Data Program Plan Plan Requirement Object ID Program Pathway: rio_ed__Program_Pathway__cPathway Unit: rio_ed__Pathway_Unit__c Program Pathway In RIO Education, Program Pathway is the r
Description When using the Appointment Scheduler to book an appointment, the faculty that you want to assign is not available. Resolution Ensure that you have already set up all the necessary data needed for appointments . If those are already setup correctly, then, check whether the faculty has a User. Head to Setup > Users and check if t
Description Is it possible for RIO Education to support a flexible non-Term based educational environment, where academic Programs and Courses can start and stop on numerous schedules which are not related to the typical Term/semester calendar? Resolution A possible method is to establish a long-running Term and Course Offering by configuring the
Contact (object) This object serves as a person's contact record in RIO Education. There are two different page layouts (student and faculty), depending on whether the "Faculty Member?" checkbox is checked upon creation of this record. Student This contains the student's contact details and information related to fee type (domestic or international)
Introduced in v3.14 as part of Continuing Education , the RIO Ed - Shopping Cart Counter component counts the number of Order Lines related to the latest draft Order for the student's Contact. In other words, the number of Study Offerings the student registers to, will be tracked and displayed by this component. Attribute Name API Name Descrip
RIO Challenge C09 - Scholarship In RIO Education, the Funding and Funding Allocation objects are used to provide financial assistance for students. This can take shape in the form monetary benefits like Scholarships or Sponsoring, or discounts to their Student Fees . The Funding object defines the total funds available, with the maximum amount that
Overview This article shows how students will view / interact with their Sessions and Appointments on the calendar (in the Student Community). Info For in-depth information on creating Sessions and Appointments, see these instead: Creating Sessions . Appointment Scheduler . When a student logs in to the Student Community, they can view their Sessi
Course Connection Requirement Note: For use cases, see here: Pre-requisites (and other requirements) for Courses . The Course Connection Requirement object is located under the Course Connection . It outlines the requirements (pre-requisites, co-requisites, etc.) for said Course Connection. For example, this Course Connection for 'BUS104' has a req
Introduced in v3.14 as part of Continuing Education , the RIO Ed - Shopping Cart Payment is used when the student wants to checkout and pay for their Orders (the Study Offerings they registered to). Note: This is a payment selection component that prompts user to perform online payment or charge the bill to a company. Please note that this is n
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 22 - Discipline Requirement - Group 23 - Discipline Requirement - Course Dependent Data Program Discipline Program Plan Plan Requirement Object ID rio_ed__Discipline_Requirement__c Much like how Program Plan is built up from Plan Requir
Description When attempting to create or update a Program Application, you run into the following error that prevents saving the record. rio_ed.TDTM_ProgramApplication: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.ListException: Row with duplicate DeveloperName at index: 6 Class.rio_ed.REDU_Helper_UTIL.getPrenWithdrawnValues: line 2140, column 1 Cla
For more details, see: Student Scheduler .
Custom Permission None Event AfterUpdate Object Order Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class is used alongside the Order Status Custom Metadata Type , to handle the mapping of Study Credit and Study Registration status fields. When the status of an Order is updated, this class will automatically update
Description A few rio_ed__Attendance__c objects were deleted from RIO with a null value for rio_ed__Booking__c . Resolution This would occur when a class is being rescheduled to a shorter period or being cut short. The bookings and attendance that were allocated for slots or blocks which were previously existed/planned will be removed in this case.
Description Why is there no Course available for enrollment in the Student Enrollment Wizard ? Resolution Check that Plan Requirement (Course) exists for the Program Plan which the student enrolled to. If #1 exists, check if the Course is available when the student or RIO Internal User switches to "View All Courses". If the Course is availabl
RIO Challenge C04 - Program Discipline Setup In RIO Education, the Program Discipline object tracks disciplines (i.e. Majors and Minors within a Program Plan). Under each Program Discipline, there are Discipline Requirements (the Courses that are required to be completed for that Major). Learning outcomes Understand how to enroll into a Progra
Video link:
Description You may encounter a use case where tuition fees are charged over X semesters/terms and the amount charged will be fixed in each semester/term, but reduced in the last semester/term. For example, students with a September 2020 intake would be charged as follows: September 2020: $10,000.00 January 2021 : $10,000.00 May 2021
This learning material shows some use cases/scenarios where you can create different enrollment open dates for different batches of students (i.e. senior, freshman) to meet different requirements. Slides also available here .
This learning material covers the Requirements functionality, which is used at the admissions stage to present the requirements that applicants need to fulfil, and for the admissions team to track and review. Slides also available here .
Component Name RIO Ed - Student Info API Name rio_ed:studentInfo Type Standalone Recommended Pages Contact page for both internal or digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal Attribute Name API Name Description Modal Title modalHeader Show Modal Close Button showClose Contact Section Name (Student Info) contactSectionName Section name. Con
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 21 - Program Discipline Dependent Data Program Plan Object ID rio_ed__Program_Discipline__c Program Discipline Program Discipline is like a subset of Program Plan. It offers different recognition/certification within a Program Plan in w
Overview RIO Connect is used to connect RIO Education, a Student Management System, with D2L (Brightspace), a Learning Management System. The following video showcases the Student, Course Offering and Enrollment, and Final Grading sync for the RIO Connect integration with D2L (Brightspace). Video link:
Description Why are there no Courses in the Session Scheduler? No Course appears under Course selection in the Session Scheduler when creating a new Session . Resolution Here is a checklist that you may go through. 1. Ensure that the Academic Program (that the Course is part of) is created under the correct Department. Please check if you ha
Overview This article will cover how an institution can set the requirements applicants will need to fulfil when they apply to a Program, such as uploading their academic transcript, or passport (for international students), etc. The registrar team can also keep track and review these required actions (Requirements) that students will need to fulfil
Overview This module revolves around releasing grades for a student's Course. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: Releasing student results . Grade Settings . What will be evaluated Previously, you would have already enrolled a student into UN100. Now, you will need to enter into the internal console, and grade
Description How to customize the Session layout in the Session Scheduler? Resolution To do this, you need to: Create a new FieldSet at Session object. Edit the Lightning Page of the default Session Scheduler and customize the component's attribute: Use Custom Form For Session Edit = true. Custom form Fieldset Name = newly created field set. Custom
Overview This article covers how to 'create' a scholarship in RIO Education SIS, and enable students to apply for it. Note: For the disbursement process of scholarship funds to help pay off the student's Course fees, see the following instead: Scholarship (Disbursement) . Scholarship (Fee Line) . Creating discounts for Student Fees . Use case An
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 3.3.9 Release date: 14th July 2022 Bug Fixes Appointment Scheduler ISS-001329 Appointment title not visible on calendar if Appointment Type's Location Only checkbox is enabled The available slot title for appointment type with Location Only enabled is fixed. ISS-
Payment gateways are an essential function for any university, as a means to allow applicants and students to make payments. In the Admission process, applicants may need to pay the following fees online: Application Fee Matriculation Fee Deposit And throughout the students' duration of study at the university, they may pay these fees using credit
Overview The Plan and Plan Line objects act to store Booking records (from both Session and appointment bookings ). These objects act behind-the-scene when bookings are made. Plan The Plan is the parent to the Plan Line. Plans are generated when a Course Offering is created. When Sessions are created (and bookings are made) , the Plan Lines (con
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 18 - Program Course Requirement Dependent Data Course Plan Requirement Course Object ID rio_ed__Program_Course_Requirement__c Tip If you have the same requirement across many Courses, consider using Course Requirement as a faster soluti
Term Management Video link: Timestamp Documentation 0:00 - Educational Institution Term Educational Institution Account Term 1:05 - Holidays Holiday, Term Holiday and Location Holiday 1:22 - Term Holidays 1:31 - Course Offering Course Offering 2:28 - Fee Schedule Term Fee Structure
Component Name RIO Ed - Data Reminder (Aura) API Name rio_ed:DataReminder Type Standalone Recommended Pages App page, record page, or digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal A sample image of a data reminder displayed in the Community portal: Attribute Name API Name Description Label label Displayed label. Record Id parentId If specified
Overview This article covers common items on the Student/Faculty Community (also called the Digital Experience) that you can customize. Customization Creating new page New pages can be created, either a standard page, or a page connected to an object. Page layout and components There are multiple choices for page layouts. Column layouts in the page
Overview An eCAF is an Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form and is required to be completed by eligible students wishing to use HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP for the payment of their tuition fees. This article will cover the steps to set up a training environment and get access to the sandbox for testing. Steps The following outlines the steps you as an
Overview Student Fee generation can be triggered from the PE Pathway . The following information covers how PE Pathways can help determine the Student Fee and Fee Line generation timing. Methods In the PE Pathway , there are a set of fields used to trigger the Student Fee generation. The two main fields are: Fee Method (Override): This is to over
For more information on setting up RIO Ready, head here . RIO Ready 1.0/2.0 Bug Fixes ISS-001218 Flaw in the Payment handler with Funding Allocation There was a flaw in the RIO Ready Payment component and involved erroneous Funding Allocation check. The information is not used by RIO Ready Payment component, but never the less the fact that it che
Overview This module revolves around setting up the Application Form in the Student Community. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Ready: Student Application Functionality . What will be evaluated The Application Form must be set up in the Student Community as per the guide above, and published. After that, t
Overview This module revolves around creating User records. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: Creating Users (see the 'Faculty User' and 'Admin User' section). What will be evaluated In the previous task, you would have already upserted two Faculty Contacts. Now, you will need to enter into the instance and cre
Description When you create a Qualified Faculty with a Department, it means the faculty contact is eligible to teach all the Courses under that Department. When you have that Qualified Faculty, is there a way to see Qualified Faculty (from Department) under the Course? Resolution Currently when you navigate to a Course, you can only see Qualified F
Overview This module revolves around setting up Plan Requirements. Plan Requirements specify the group of Courses that need to be completed for a particular Program. Here are the relevant reading materials (generic example): Program structure . What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. The 'Courses'
RIO Challenge C10.4 - Holidays Throughout an academic year, there will be instances where class sessions fall on a holiday, which the university staff and students observe. RIO Education allows the university to create holidays. These will be respected by the Session Scheduler when recurring class sessions are automatically created. No class session
Description My legacy data does not contain any Course Offerings. How do I perform Course Connection data migration/loading? Resolution Historical Course Offering is not required to load or migrate legacy Course Connections. You can use either the 'Historical Term' or 'Historical Course ID' on the Course Connection object to perform this task, if th
Overview Students use the Student Community to apply for academic programs, as well as scholarship and housing (accommodation), among other things. RIO Ready includes the components that allow students to apply for those three things, which are: Student Application - to apply for academic programs. Scholarship Application . Housing Application - to
Custom Permission None Event BeforeDelete Object Student Fee Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class serves to improve the convenience in deleting Student Fee records. When a Student Fee record is deleted, its child Fee Lines will be automatically deleted as well. Use case This class can be used along wi
This requires the Short Course Feature license. Introduced in v3.12 to support Continuing Education , this component is used on the Student Community, to display the header of a Study Offering's detail page. For example, you can create a new object page for Study Offering on the Community Builder (navigate to Setup > Digital Experiences > All
Study Registration Status (Custom Metadata Type) Introduced in v3.14 as part of Continuing Education , this custom metadata allows admin to configure the behaviour of the 'Status' field options for the Study Registration object. Info Whenever a new custom value is created for the 'Status' field on the Study Registration, make sure to also add it
For a detailed guide, see here: Transfer Credits .
RIO Challenge C07 - Student Enrollment A student enrolls to the Bachelor of Business Management (pathway in the diagram below), where the student will be studying for 4 Terms (semesters). There are 16 Courses to be taken in total, with 4 Courses in each Term. Student can enroll courses and sessions in the student portal. Learning outcomes Understand
Resource Validation Field Description Description Optional text field for description of this record. Resource Validation Number Required text field denoting the number of this validation. Validation Type Text field. Deleted Checkbox to denote that this validation is deleted. Related Bookings The Booking objects that are related to this validation.
Requirement Set (Note: This is one of the objects related to Application Requirements and Checklist. For a use case and example, see here .) Introduced in v3.11, this object acts as a group of Requirements that users need to perform for a process. Requirement Set Template ---> Requirement Set . Requirement Template -
RIO Ed - Session Scheduler Component Name RIO Ed - Session Scheduler API Name rio_ed:sessionScheduler Type Standalone Recommended Pages App page for internal Supported In Salesforce Internal The RIO Ed - Session Scheduler is the component that controls the attributes of the Session Scheduler . It can be configured by editing the page. Note If you ar
Component Name RIO Ed - Picture Panel (Aura) API Name rio_ed:picturePanel Type Standalone Recommended Pages Contact page for both internal or digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal Attribute Name API Name Description Parent Record Id parentId Parent Record Id to retrieve Picture. Description description Exact Text to match Image File's
Terminology of common objects Object Description Account(Educational Institution) A university, college, or educational institution, e.g. "RIO University".The highest level Account in terms of hierarchy. Account(University Department) A department within a university, e.g. "School of Business".Should belong under the Educational Institution. Account
Overview This module revolves around selecting a Program Discipline (i.e. Major / Minor). Here are the relevant reading materials: Majors and Minors . What will be evaluated Previously, you would have already created Program Disciplines for each Major and Minor (as listed in the given use case). Now, as a student, you must log into the Student Porta
RIO Challenge C02 - New Term Setup A Term acts as a semester of a Program or Degree - it lays out the Courses that a student will be taking throughout that period of time. Considering the tuition or non-tuition fees can be changed over time, they can be configured based on a Terms and Courses basis. Learning outcomes Understand the steps required t
This requires the Short Course Feature license. Introduced in v3.12 to support Continuing Education , this component is used on the Student Community, to display the details of a Study Offering's detail page. For example, you can create a new object page for Study Offering on the Community Builder (navigate to Setup > Digital Experiences > All
RIO Challenge C13 - Student Service The Student Request function allows students to raise a support request for a variety of issues, i.e. appeal of results, extension of assessment, etc. Learning outcomes Learn how to submit a Student Request form as a student in the Student Community. Learn how to review and close the Case as the support team. Rea
RIO Challenge C16 - Transcript Generation When releasing a student's grades in RIO Education, admin/faculty members can generate a transcript to provide the student with a detailed list of the Courses and grades/credits earned. S-Docs template will be used as the template for transcripts. Learning outcomes Understand how to add S-Docs template into
For more information on installing the RIO Education AU Reporting Engine, head here . RIO Education AU Reporting Engine 2.16 Release date: 15th June 2023 2.16 New Install Before you upgrade We recommend you to test new versions in a sandbox first (accordin
Component Name RIO Ed - My Profile Tile (Aura) API Name rio_ed:myProfile Type Standalone Recommended Pages Any page in digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal Attribute Name API Name Description Name tileName Name of tile Description tileDescription Description of tile Icon tileIcon Icon of tile Size of Icon tileIconSize Size of Icon: xx
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Component Name RIO Ed - File Uploader (Aura) API Name rio_ed:CustomFileUploader Type Standalone Recommended Pages Any record page in both internal or digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal Attribute Name API Name Description Parent Id parentId Target parent record to be uploaded to, e.g. {record.Id} or 0016A00000dcknJQAQ. Field Label fi
Component Name RIO Ed - Session Calendar (Aura) API Name rio_ed:SessionCalendarComponent Type Standalone Recommended Pages Session Page for both internal or digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal This component displays the Sessions and Appointments relevant to a student or faculty. On the internal console, this component can be added
This requires the Short Course Feature license. Introduced in v3.12 to support Continuing Education , this component is used to filter short courses ( Study Offerings ) that are listed on the Student Community. These short courses can be filtered according to the following: Study Area - the "field of study", e.g. Science, Law. Location. Start Date.
Overview This module revolves around the installation of Salesforce Education Data Architecture (EDA), which RIO Education is built on. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Education - Full Package Installation Guide. What will be evaluated The EDA package and all its metadata should be installed on your insta
RIO Ed - My Majors (Aura) Component Name RIO Ed - My Majors (Aura) API Name rio_ed:myMajors Type Standalone Recommended Pages Digital experience (Student Community) Supported In Program Enrollment page in Salesforce Internal The RIO Ed - My Majors (Aura) component is used for selecting/enrolling to Program Disciplines (i.e. Majors, Minors) and viewi
Description I have completed the data loading/migration for Sessions, but why are there no bookings? Resolution You will need to ensure that the data loading is done for the correct objects if you plan to migrate the Session together with the scheduling data from your legacy system. The Session Booking Status should also be set to 'Create/Update Boo
Fields mapping and RIO Connect component You can view the detailed fields mapping and additional Salesforce components being referenced by the RIO Connect: TCSI for RIO Education here . (Note: Kindly send us a request if you wish to access our Google documents. For more on our security policy, see here ). To learn more about the integrations schedul
RIO Ed - My Program (Aura) Component Name RIO Ed - My Program (Aura) API Name rio_ed:myProgram Type Standalone Recommended Pages My Program page in digital experience This component is exposed on the Student Community (on the 'My Programs' page). It allows students to view the details of their Program. As seen in the image above, the 'Bachelor of
Overview This article describes how you can move a Course Connection from one Program Enrollment to another one, while contributing to the new Program Enrollment's completion progress and keeping the student's attendance. Use case A student is currently enrolled to the Bachelor of Business Management, and is currently in the first Term (semester
This learning material explains what goes behind the scene in the Student Enrollment Wizard , and how Courses are filtered and displayed in different scenarios (according to pathway, if requirements are met, etc.). A practical exercise is available here . Slides are also available here .
RIO Ed - Timesheet List (Aura) Component Name RIO Ed - Timesheet List API Name rio_ed:timesheetList Type Standalone Recommended Pages Any page in digital experience (Faculty Community) Developer section Attribute Name API Name Description Contact Id contactId Specific Contact Id for listing Timesheets, default is current User Id Card Icon componentI
Description Can grades be updated by the faculty (e.g. in the Faculty Community), after the release of grades? If so, how to prevent that? And how to update grades after they have been released? Resolution RIO Education comes with a validation rule that prevents Faculty members from updating grades after they have been released. This can be disabled
Custom Permission REDU - Admin, REDU - Faculty Event AfterInsert, AfterUpdate Object Announcement Related RIO Education Settings None Description The following are the criteria for this to trigger: Event Trigger Criteria AfterInsert Notification Channel Type includes Notification, AND, Status = Active, AND, Notification Target Type != blank, AND
Here are the guides for Canada reporting using RIO Education: RIO Reporting Guide - PSIS .
RIO Ed - My Student Fees (Aura) From v3.14.4, admin can add this component to the Student Community. It will find related Student Fees based on the logged in User's Contact ID, instead of Program Enrollment. This allows students to see all the Student Fees from all their Program Enrollments, and not just the ones from their current Program Enrollmen
Overview This article covers the options you can choose when grading a Course , either by: Score (e.g. 96), or, Value (e.g. A, B, C). Use case An educational institution uses numerical scores (e.g. 96) for its grading convention. In this case, the faculty user should define it in the Course record, by setting 'Score' for the Grade Type field. This m
RIO Challenge C05 - Program Application Program Application contains the records of a student's application to an Academic Program. Upon creation, a matching Program Enrollment record is automatically created, which contains information on the fees, as well as requirements and pathways of the Courses to take under that Program. Learning outcomes Und
Break Time Break Time records can store up to 3 sets of breaks. If a Session looks up to a Break Time record, Students’ hours attended calculation will subtract the Break Times from the total number. Important fields Field Usage Start Time (Slot 1) Start time for Break 1. Start Time (Slot 2) Start time for Break 2 (If applicable). Start Time (Slot
Overview The following article covers how students' attendance can be marked by faculty members, and how it is calculated. (Note: To enable mandatory attendance for a Session, see here ). Use case Marking attendances A faculty member is teaching/administering a Course across multiple classes ( Sessions ). The faculty needs to mark the students' atte
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 2.10 What’s new in RIO Education version 2.10 Session Scheduler’s session edit screen is now configurable. Overhauled Appointment Scheduler to work with community users. Enhancements Linked Term Grades to Session for reporting purposes. Multiple Checkpoints Atten
Custom Permission None Event BeforeInsert, BeforeUpdate Object Study Registration Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class will set the date fields of the Study Registration record, based on the status type. When a new Study Registration is inserted or updated, its date fields will be updated, based on th
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 2.9.5 Release date: 17th May 2021 Enhancement Auto-enrollment now considers term label in program pathway. Student Scheduler – Allow Admin to over-allocate students to sessions. Bug Fixes Enrollment Wizard – Handle courses with no course offerings. Student Schedu
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 26 - Session Dependent Data Course Offering Contact (Faculty) Object ID rio_ed__Session__c Session Session stems from a Course Offering, and a single Course Offering can have multiple Sessions. For example: RIO University's Course Offe
3.15 early preview Here's a sneak peek at some enhancements in our upcoming RIO Ed v3.15 release. Stay tuned for further updates on the actual release date. Grading students in the Faculty Portal Faculty members will be able to grade students from any type of Courses, including Courses that do not have any Sessions (classes). For example, stud
Session Management Video link: Timestamp Documentation 0:00 - Manage Session Template Session Template 0:57 - Manage Session Template Time 2:06 - Manage Session Scheduler Session Scheduler 2:14 - Session Scheduler Filter 2:31 - Create Session with Template 3:05 - Create Session without Templ
Resource Field Description Resource Name Name of this Resource object. Resource Type Lookup to the related Resource Type object. Public Checkbox to make the Bookings that this Resource is assigned to, become visible to all users. Active Checkbox to mark this Resource as active. Facility Lookup to the facility assigned to this Resource (e.g. room). R
This learning material on grading will explain where grading is done, as well as Learning Management System (LMS) sync. Slides also available here .
RIO Challenge C12 - Appointment Scheduling The Appointment Scheduler allows users to book appointments with students, lecturers, consultants, etc. Learning outcomes Understand the records that are needed to book appointments (who, when, where). Understand how to use the Appointment Scheduler. Reading material Appointment Scheduler . Managing Appoin
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Description How does a student see Course pre-requisites or co-requisites in the Student Portal? Resolution For this, Program Plan Requirement -> Requirement Description must be set with an appropriate text, e.g. "You will need to complete Course XYZ and ABC before you can qualify for this Course". The student can then see this in the Student
Agreement Course The Agreement Course object acts as record of the Course(s) that an Educational Institution and another external partner have agreed to transfer. It is the second record that needs to be created for transferring credits. To find out how this object works in relation to credit transfer, head here . Agreement Course is created from
Fields mapping and RIO Connect component You can view the detailed fields mapping and additional Salesforce components being referenced by the RIO Connect: Microsoft Teams for RIO Education here . (Note: Kindly send us a request if you wish to access our Google documents. For more on our security policy, see here ). To learn more about the integrati
Transfer Credits Wizard (Note: This is about the wizard used to transfer credits. To make a transfer, see Transfer Credit . For technical details and settings, see RIO Ed - Transfer Credits List .) The Transfer Credits Wizard allows user to transfers credits from the Courses previously completed in other institutions , to the Courses in your insti
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here . 3.9.3 Release date: 1st August 2022 Bug Fixes Admission/Application ISS-001366 Cancelled Program Enrollment is reset to Current The completion engine is updated to avoid the Withdrawn/Deferred statuses being reverted when a Program Enrollment is updated. Sessi
To quickly setup the Housing Application Form , please follow the following steps: Note: You will need to install the Housing extension package here . Step 1: Activating the Flow Login to Salesforce and go to “Setup”. From Setup, click on Home. In the Quick Find box, enter Flows. Click on Flows. Click on REDU Campus Housing Application. Click on A
Overview This article will describe the steps for setting up Fees for Courses. This is the very first thing that you will need to do, before Student Fees can be generated for students that enrolled to Courses. Note: For a complete overview of how Fees, Courses, and Term relate, see this article: Fee Setup Sequence . For information on creating diff
Grade Change Request The Grade Change Request object (introduced in v3.9) allows admin or faculty members to request the following actions for their students, when grading assignments or exams: Regrade. Resit the assignment/exam. The request to regrade or resit an assignment/exam can be made when faculty members are grading the Session . See also: R
Video link: See also: Program structure / setup .
Audit Log Introduced in v3.11, the Audit Log object serves to provide audit capabilities for deleted records. It will be automatically generated when a record is deleted. It contains information on the deleted record (and other records linked to it), as well as the source operation or component that executed the deletion. For a use case example, see
For more details, see: Creating Sessions .
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Overview This document outlines all the modules required for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course providers. Use this document to scope out how big their implementation is. Membership Subscription Management It can be further broken down into: Membership Application How complex is the enrollment process? Is it a single step or multiple s
Order Status (Custom Metadata Type) Info Whenever a new custom value is created for the 'Status' field on the Order, make sure to also add it to the Study Registration Status custom metadata, to avoid any issue. Introduced in v3.14 as part of Continuing Education , this custom metadata allows admin to handle field mapping of Study Credit and S
EDA Application Status (Custom Metadata Type) This custom metadata type is used to define the supported status and the supported feature for each status of Application (EDA) . This allows the admin to define the behavior and default PE Program Status for each Application (EDA) status. Info Whenever a new status is added to the status field, you shou
Description Can a student take some of the Courses in different order, or in a different Term, compared to the standard pathway outlined? Resolution Admin can create custom PE Pathways to allow deviation from standard ones, in order to personalize and cater to student requirements. See: Custom PE Pathway
Room Allocation (object) This object/record tracks the specific room that students have been allocated to, and for which dates. This will be automatically generated when a room is allocated to a student who is requesting for accommodation. See use case: Housing for students . Field name Description Resident First and last name of the student who ha
Term Grade (object) This object represents the overall score/grade a student has achieved for a Course throughout the whole semester ( Term ). The Term Grade rolls up the calculated score from all the individual grades (assignments and exams) the student has achieved for that Course. This will also be rolled up to the student's Course Connection
Description When upgrading your RIO Education version and deploying metadata, you might encounter the following message: "WARNING: If you are installing into an existing Salesforce org - STOP and contact us for assistance to avoid overwriting any existing metadata. It is important to compare the metadata before applying because it would overwrite an
Description We need to check 'See other members of this site' as a step in for RIO Education installation, but it is disabled and cannot be checked. How to enable this? Resolution You would need to enable 'Site User Visibility' from Sharing Settings.
Overview This module revolves around the RIO Ready Login/Self-Registration function, which allows: Students to login to the Student Community / Portal. Applicants to sign up (for the first time) to be a Community user. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Ready: Login/Self-Registration Functionality Setup . Wh
Custom Permission None Event AfterInsert, AfterUpdate Object Study Registration Related RIO Education Settings None Description This class is introduced in v3.14. When there is a Study Offering that is linked to a Course Offering , and: a Study Registration is created, and, its status defines that Upsert Enrollment = TRUE , OR the Study Regist
2.5 Release date: 11th September 2019 What’s new in RIO Education version 2.5 Support for Majors and Minors (Program Disciplines). Streamlined creation of new faculty Course/Session Connections. Session scheduled hours and attended hours tracking. Enhancements Student Community’s My Program enrollment wizard has been reworked. Decoupled Session sele
Overview This module revolves around approving a Program Application. Here are the relevant reading materials: Program Application . What will be evaluated In the previous step, you would have successfully applied for a Program as a student via the Student Community. In this task, you will navigate to the Program Application in the internal console,
Student Management Video link: Timestamp Documentation 0:00 - Internal Course Enrollment Course Offering 0:18 - Course Enrollment Term 0:36 - Course Enrollment by Status 0:54 - Full Course List for Enrollment 1:12 - Course Enrollment by Requisites Status Course Connection 1:30 - Overwriting the Requis
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 38 - Funding Dependent Data - Object ID rio_ed__Funding__c Funding Funding acts as a scholarship record which students can apply for. It defines the total funding available, the maximum amount that can be disbursed to a student and per
Holiday (object) The Holiday object in RIO Education represents a festive day created for the Education Institution / Campus. It can be linked to a Term (via Term Holiday object) and Campus (via Location Account ). This is to avoid clashing with Session bookings , and to render any Session bookings that fall on any of the holidays as invalid and n
Master Data Management Video link: Timestamp Documentation 0:00 - Educational Institution Educational Institution Account 0:37 - University Department University Department Account 1:02 - Courses by Department Course 1:22 - Qualified Faculty Qualified Faculty 1:57 - Faculty by Department 2:36 - Locatio
Component Name RIO Ed - Requirement Checklist Manager Recommended Pages Application and Program Application page for both internal and digital experience Supported In Salesforce Internal This component provides a checklist of the Requirements that students need to complete, i.e. upload certificates or documents when submitting a Program Application
For more information on installing the RIO Education AU Reporting Engine, head here . RIO Education AU Reporting Engine 2.15 Release date: 23rd May 2023 2.15 Install Upgrade notes ISS-001310 Automation to sync Student Fee Info for TCSI integration If you alr
Overview This article covers how an institution can: Break down a student's grades for a Course (i.e. assignment, quiz, and final exam), instead of a one-time grade for the whole Course. Grade the students for those individual assessments. (Note: For information on when the grading component will be locked/unlocked, when faculty members can grade th
Overview This article describes how Fee Label works, and how it can be used. Note: Starting from version 3.9, the Application and Deposit Fee generation supports child fee based on the Fee Label selected in the Program Application, EDA Application, or the Fee Label (Override) in Program Enrollment. Use case A Program is offered in two study modes -
Overview This module revolves around generating a student's transcript after grade release. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Ready: Transcript Generation Functionality Setup . What will be evaluated As the admin, you will need to head to the student's Program Enrollment record and click on the 'Generate Do
Description A student might want to change disciplines (Major/Minor), but retain their Program degree. In other words, how to switch PE Discipline within the same Program Enrollment ? Resolution Consider the following example and steps: A student wishes to unenroll from the Business Analytics Major, and enroll into the Economics Major instead, whil
Staff Award The Staff Award object is used to record staff awards/contracts, Start/End Time of contracts, and what award type and level they are on for this contract. Important fields Field Description Staff Member Master-detail. The faculty/staff member this award is for. Award Name Name of this award. Award Status Status of this award: Current. F
Custom Permission None Event BeforeDelete Object Program Enrollment Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class serves to improve the convenience in deleting Program Enrollment records that contain Student Fees. When a Program Enrollment is deleted, the related Student Fee records under it will be automaticall
Overview Introduced in v3.11, 'Program Plan Clone' is a Lightning Action available on a Program Plan record. This allows admin to clone a Program Plan and its: Program Discipline (Major/Minor) . Plan Requirements (and the Program Course Requirements under them). Program Pathways . Use case An education institution is offering the Bachelor of Bus
Overview This module revolves around setting up an educational institution (i.e. RIO University). Tip This is a data migration task. Other data migration tasks will be specified as well. You will be using the: Data Loader (download instructions available here ). Master Data Template spreadsheet and .sdl files. Download your own copies here , for yo
Video link: See also: Creating Sessions .
Custom Permission None Event AfterInsert, AfterUpdate, AfterDelete, AfterUndelete Object Study Registration Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class rolls up the Study Credits usage. When Study Registrations are created against a Study Credit, this class will recalculate the ‘Used Quantity’ on the Study Cre
Description When attempting to enroll into a Course Offering, the following error message is displayed: “ [Course Offering name] : The new owner must have read permission ”. Resolution When a Course Connection is created (in this example, via enrolling to a Course Offering), it will be assigned to a new owner. The new owner will be either: the p
RIO Ed - Program Plan Cloning Note: This article covers the component to clone a Program Plan along with its Program Disciplines and Program Pathways (available from version 3.11 onwards). For a use case scenario, see: Cloning a Program Plan instead. Component Name RIO Ed - Program Plan Cloning API Name rio_ed:programPlanCloning Type Standalone Reco
RIO Challenge C07.3 - Course Withdrawal (before Census Date) It is common for University students to enroll to a Course, but later decide to withdraw, after deciding that the Course was not a good fit and they should choose a different Course instead. To support students to withdraw from a Course as smoothly as possible, most institutions allow stud
Custom Permission None Event BeforeDelete Object Order Line Related RIO Education Settings None Description Introduced in v3.14, this class deletes the Study Registration and Study Credits related to an Order Line, when said Order Line is deleted. Use case When a user registers to or ‘buys’ a Study Offering , an Order Line is generated. To off
RIO Challenge C01 - Master Data Setup RIO University has just implemented RIO Education SIS and will need to create records for their Departments, Campuses, and Programs. Accounts for faculty members (lecturers) will be required as well. All these must have the right hierarchy, just as in a real-world application, where a Program would be under the
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 37 - Grade Criteria Dependent Data Course Object rio_ed__Grade_Criteria__c Grade Criteria The Grade Criteria record outlines the assessment criteria for Courses. For example, a Course's grading will be based on a series of assignments,
Description A student is paying outstanding fees using Payments2US in the Digital Experience aka Student Community. 1. Can the student pay a different amount to what is owing, i.e. less or more? 2. If the student has more than 1 invoice (think Fees and later an Ad-hoc charge, which was added after a cut-off date), is that presented in 1x amount owin
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Description We do not want the Completion Engine to run for Program Enrollment with a specific academic Program . The user will still update the status in the Course Connection , but we don't want the Completion Engine to update the progress in the PE group and also the status in Program Enrollment . Is there any way to achieve this in RIO Educati
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 9 - Holiday10 - Term Holiday Dependent Data - Object ID Holiday: rio_ed__Holiday__cTerm Holiday: rio_ed__Term_Holiday__c Holiday Holiday is simply the list of festive days created for the Education Institution / Campus. The main objecti
Component Name RIO Ed - My Results (Aura) Type Bundle Description This is bundled in these components: RIO Ed - My Program (Aura) - for Community. RIO Ed - My Pathway (Aura) - for internal console. Note: It is not recommended to use this component alone. Instead, it is recommended to use the 2 components above. Attribute Name API Name Descri
Student Fee/Fee line behaviour (See also: Student Fee Generation, Student Fee and Fee Lines, and Payments) The following are the fee use cases and steps (RIO Education and manual). Before payment and census date Steps RIO Education Enroll units. 1. Fee line is created with the Unit fee amount. 2. Student fee is created based on Term enrolled. Wi
Overview This module revolves around setting up campuses. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. Accounts must be created for all the campuses in the use case, with the proper record type. All the campuses must belong under the educational institution. For a generic example, see: Master Data Temp
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Application (EDA) (See also: Program Application ) As of v3.9, the Application object in EDA is supported as part of RIO Education automation, similar to the Program Application object in RIO Education. In other words, the EDA Application object can be used the same way as one uses the Program Application object. Application statuses Status Descrip
Looking for inside news on what's happening in the world of RIO Education? Follow us for updates on the latest news, ranging from events and webinars, to new version releases and successful RIO Education implementations with our customers. [Patch] - RIO Education v3.13.3 and v3.14.2 Anyone up for some pie? #RIOEducation 3.14.2 is out! Check out our
For the complete list of RIO Ready features, see here . What is RIO Ready, and why RIO Ready? RIO Ready is a collection of metadata that is built on top of RIO Education. RIO EDUCATION Is an AppExchange application, you cannot edit the underlying code. The aim of having RIO Ready is to deploy a set of pre-built components to: Reduce implementatio
RIO Challenge C07.5 - Withdrawing from paid Course It is common for university students to enroll to a Course, but later decide to withdraw, after deciding that the Course was not a good fit and they should choose a different Course instead. If the student has already paid for the Course, but withdraws from it after the Census Date (where fees are f
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
RIO Ed - Program Structure Overview Component Name RIO Ed - Program Structure Overview API Name rio_ed:programStructure Type Standalone Recommended Pages Program Plan record page (under the 'Program Structure' tab) in Salesforce Internal Supported In Salesforce Internal The Program Structure Overview component displays the Program Plan structure. I
Payment Configuration (Custom Metadata Type) The Payment Configuration custom metadata defines the Fee Type Options (and their behaviour) in the Program Application . Info Whenever a new option is added to the 'Fee Type Option' picklist in the Program Application, make sure to also update this Payment Configuration custom metadata, to avoid any issu
Overview This article outlines the use of RIO Connect to synchronize bookings in RIO Education with Microsoft Outlook Calendar events. Method Microsoft Outlook has to be treated as an end point in order to sync RIO Education custom objects into Outlook. A custom trigger has to be developed to create/update Salesforce events for all RIO Education S
Component Name RIO Ed - Session Template Builder API Name rio_ed:templateBuilder Type Standalone Recommended Pages App page for internal Supported In Salesforce Internal This component can be configured when the admin edits the Template Builder page. See also: How to create a Session using Session Template . Attribute Name API Name Description Ic
Overview This module revolves around setting up Sessions (e.g. lectures and tutorials) and their details such as start/end time, how many months will they last, and how frequent they recur. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides (generic example): Creating Sessions . What will be evaluated (You are recommended to create these in your inst
Overview This module revolves around setting up Pathway Units. A Program Pathway contains Pathway Units, which specify the recommended number of Courses to take for each Term that is defined in the Program Pathway. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. In the previous task, you have created a Pro
Auto Credit Transfer Configurations (Custom Metadata Type) The following article covers the configuration metadata settings, where we can configure to a very granular detail what fields get mapped in Auto Credit Transfer for different Grade results, including Grade points, etc. This metadata allows admin to configure the value (either by static or u
This is a tip on using the Data Loader and Master Data Template, when performing master data migration . Occasionally, there will be data which refers to other data of the same type. For example, the Term record for Semester 2 2021 , is referencing Semester 1 2021 as its previous Term. When you load these into your instance, you will encounter an er
Master Data Template Please ensure that you make a copy of the Master Data Template before you start. Related Tabs 25 - Course Offering Dependent Data Term Course Contact (Faculty) Course ID hed__Course_Offering__c Course Offering Previously in Master Data Template Guide - Course , it was mentioned that several Courses can become part of a Program,
Overview This requires the RIO Education Housing extension package to be installed. This article describes how fees can be created and billed to students who opt for accommodation ( Student Housing ). This includes updating the fees if the student changes rooms. For example: An institution offers 3 types of rooms, ranging from basic to full am
Requirement Set Template (Note: This is one of the objects related to Application Requirements and Checklist. For a use case and example, see here .) Introduced in v3.11, this object is used as a template for Requirement Set , which are a grouped set of Requirements that users need to perform for a process. Requirement Set Template --->
Overview This module revolves around setting up Fee data. What will be evaluated You must create the following data and upsert it into your instance. There must be a Fee record created for each of the fees outlined in the given use case. Also, you may have noticed that there are a few fees in the given use case, that are non-tuition related. Non-tui
Description There are no faculty members on the Session Scheduler. Why don't lecturers (or other faculty members) appear on the Session Scheduler? Resolution Case 1 You have created contacts (Faculty Member = Checked) and linked them to a University Department. However, when you head to the Session Scheduler and apply a filter for Educational Insti
Overview This module revolves around RIO Ready, which is a collection of metadata that provides additional functions to RIO Education. Here are the relevant reading materials or guides that you may refer to: RIO Education - Full Package Installation Guide . What will be evaluated The following RIO Ready metadata must be installed on your instance: L
Public Sessions As of v3.15, the RIO Ed - Calendar (Aura) component, which is used on the “My Sessions” calendar on the Student Portal, can be configured to show public Sessions. First, create a Session record and define a value for its Public Calendar Label. Note that you can add any values you wish to this picklist, by going to the Object Mana
Overview This article showcases how the Audit Log object can be used to help users conduct audit trail for deleted records (v3.11 onwards). Use case An education institution is aiming to conduct an audit of its financial records. However, some Student Fees may have been deleted after a long time, and their details cannot be viewed in the Recycle Bin
Facility Availability The Facility Availability object describes the duration and frequency of a Facility being unavailable. Important fields Field name Description Facility Name of the facility involved. Day of Week The day of which the facility is closed (multiple selection). Close From (Date) Start date of the facility being closed. Close To (Dat
Custom Permission -- Event BeforeInsert, BeforeUpdate Object Course Connection Related RIO Education Settings -- Description This trigger will set the ‘Grade Setting Type’ field on the Course Connection . It will refer to the ‘Grade Setting Type’ on the related Course Offering . Otherwise, if there is no ‘Grade Setting Type’ on the Course Offeri
Info If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention: the upgrade notes (steps), the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"), the attributes (configurable settings), and/or, the custom metadata type. Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a speci
Description A student has completed a Course, i.e. 'Introduction to Economics' in the Bachelor of Business Management. If the student changes to another Program, and that Program has that same Course, does the student need to retake that Course again? Resolution If the same Course is present in the new Program, the student can have the grades copied