RIO Education 3.14.2 Release Notes
Enhancements, new features, and bug fixes
Table of Contents
If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention:
- the upgrade notes (steps),
- the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"),
- the attributes (configurable settings), and/or,
- the custom metadata type.
Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a specific enhancement, this means that specific enhancement is automatically available upon installing this new version.
No configuration is needed for a new feature unless stated otherwise.
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here.
Release date: 19th October 2023
3.14.2 New Install
3.14.2 Upgrade
Before you upgrade
If you have not already enabled LWS in your instance, make sure to enable it. See here for more details.
- We recommend you to test new versions in a sandbox first (according to your own test cases), before rolling it into production.
- It is important to review the upgrade plans and the metadata to be applied before performing any action, as we do not support rollback.
Upgrade notes
If you are directly upgrading from pre-3.12, make sure to carry out upgrade tasks for the following items below:
ISS-001139 Lightning Web Security readiness for LWC and Aura
Due to the enforcement of Lightning Web Security (LWS), all following Javascripts library used in RIO Education have been upgraded to the version that compatible with LWS:
- FullCalendar
- Jquery
- moment.js
- chartJs
Hence, the LWS needs to be enabled in your Salesforce instance in order for the Appointment Scheduler, Session Scheduler, and Calendar to work properly.
If you still have customized Aura components that utilize third party Javascript library that are not compliant with LWS, it is recommend not to upgrade to this version until the Salesforce Summer'23 release which would have LWS for Aura supported as general release. Please refer to Salesforce release schedule for more info.
Please note that it is important to test the upgrade in sandbox first before rolling out to production to avoid any unforeseen issues.
As part of the change, the following settings have been replaced with the new settings from FullCalendar v5:
Setting | Legacy Value | New Value |
Calendar Weekly view | agendaWeek | timeGridWeek |
Resource Timeline Weekly view | timelineWeek | resourceTimelineWeek |
Resource Timeline Daily view | timelineDay | resourceTimelineDay |
Resource Timeline Monthly view | timelineMonth | resourceTimelineMonth |
Today button | cToday | today |
Resource Timeline Daily view | cTimelineDay | resourceTimelineDay |
Resource Timeline Weekly view | cTimelineWeek | resourceTimelineWeek |
Resource Timeline Monthly view | cTimelineMonth | resourceTimelineMonth |
If you have customized the Appointment Scheduler or Session Scheduler app page, please follow the steps to update the settings manually:
Appointment Scheduler:
- Default Calendar View: agendaWeek > timeGridWeek
- Default Calendar View: agendaWeek > timeGridWeek
Session Scheduler:
- Calendar Header Button (Left):
- timelineWeek > resourceTimelineWeek
- timelineDay > resourceTimelineDay
- timelineMonth > resourceTimelineMonth
- Calendar Header Button (Center):
- timelineWeek > resourceTimelineWeek
- timelineDay > resourceTimelineDay
- timelineMonth > resourceTimelineMonth
- Calendar Header Button (Right):
- timelineWeek > resourceTimelineWeek
- timelineDay > resourceTimelineDay
- timelineMonth > resourceTimelineMonth
- These custom buttons are obsolete:
- cToday
- cTimelineDay
- cTimelineWeek
- cTimelineMonth
- Please replace them with today, resourceTimelineDay, resourceTimlineWeek, and resourceTimelineMonth respectively.
- The "prev" and "next" button cannot be placed next to "title" anymore due to the change of CSS on FullCalendar v5.
- For example, you will need to remove “prev” and “next” from the Calendar Header Button (Center) and leave it with just “title”.
- Then, in the Calendar Header Button (Left), key in “today prev,next”. This will display the button for you to click and view future and previous days/weeks.
If you have a customized Session Scheduler page, make sure to check that all attributes (e.g. field sets, info popups) are present after upgrading.
- It is best to keep track of your attributes on the RIO Ed - Session Scheduler component before upgrading, so that you can update them if any are missing after upgrading.
- Calendar Header Button (Left):
ISS-001528 Simplify Grade Management
This is ONLY APPLICABLE if you are using grade settings at the university department and academic program level before v3.12.
Since grade settings are now only at the educational institution from v3.12 onwards, existing grade settings at university department and academic program levels need to be modified.
If you are upgrading from before version 3.12, you will need to do some manual upgrade steps. Please take note that it is recommended to perform this upgrade task before or after the grading and grade release period to avoid any data integrity issues.
The upgrade task involves updating the following fields:
- Grade Setting - Grade Setting Type field (formerly called Grade Setting Scope).
- Course - Grade Setting Type.
Please follow the following upgrade steps:
1. Navigate to the Grade Settings tab.
2. Create a new list view and include the following fields:
- Name
- Grade Setting Type
- Educational Institution
3. Review the Grade Setting records:
- If the “Grade Setting Type” field for all records is “Educational Institution”, complete only step #4a. Please ignore the rest of these steps.
- If some “Grade Setting Type” have “University Department” or “Academic Program”, please complete all steps.
4. Go to Setup > Picklist Value Sets, and find the Grade Setting Scope picklist values.
- Deactivate the University Department and Academic Program options.
- For each unique University Department and Academic Program Grade Setting Type found on step #3b, create a new picklist value.
For example, if you have Grade Setting created under 'Department of Business' and 'Department of IT' university department, create two new picklist options: 'Business' and 'IT'.
- The new picklist options need to be added to the Course Connection Student record type.
There should be a checkbox while adding picklist options that says "Add the new picklist values to all Record Types that use this Global Value Set".
If you are not given the option to add them automatically, you will need to add that manually.
Go to Object Manager > Course Connection > Record Types, select the Student record type, select Grade Setting Type, then add the new picklist options.
5. Go back to the grade setting list view created on step #2
- Replace the “Grade Setting Type” for both “University Department” and “Academic Program” with the appropriate new values from step #4 using the list view inline editor.
- Replace the “Educational Institution” for both “University Department” and “Academic Program” with the Educational Institution record.
This can be found by the account hierarchy, or looking through the records (they should be set up in the order Academic Program > University Department > Educational Institution).
6. Navigate to Course tab.
7. Create a new list view with filter “Grade Setting Type” not equal to “Educational Institution” and include the following fields.
- Name.
- Grade Setting Type.
- Department.
- (Obsolete) Grading Academic Program.
Review the course records, replace the “Grade Setting Type” with the appropriate values from step #4 using the list view inline editor.
Bug Fixes
Bug Fix - Admission
ISS-001731Approving transfer credits in bulk that contains partial error won't create course connection even the status changed to Approved
Previously in v3.9, when approving Transfer Credits in bulk (combination of good and bad records), the "good" Transfer Credit records which are approved will have no Course Connections created and linked to them.
This is now fixed, by removing recursive Set filter and moving the date to a beforeUpdate trigger action.
Bug Fix - Enrollment Management
ISS-001757 Discipline Requirement display in Wizard not sorted accordingly
Fixed a bug in v3.14.1, where the Discipline Requirement Groups were not sorted according to the Sequence.
Updated the Discipline Requirement's Full Sequence Order formula to more accurately sort the sequence.
Bug Fix - Schedule and Delivery
ISS-001775 Fields not displaying correctly in calendar Session Details popup
Fixed a bug in v3.12, where the ‘Session Details’ fields popup from the RIO Ed - Calendar (Aura) component (which were configured using field sets) were not displaying correctly in the community.
ISS-001777 Back button in calendar not working correctly
Fixed a bug in v3.12, where the “back” button in the RIO Ed - Calendar (Aura) component under the "my Sessions" tab of the RIO Ed - My Program component was not working correctly in the community.
Bug Fix - Continuing Study
ISS-001779 Continuing Education: Validate_Contact validation rule is preventing course connection creation
Updated the Course Connection's “Validate_Contact” validation rule, to only apply to Course Connections with linked Program Enrollments.
Enhancement - Assessment and Completion
ISS-001568 Enable sorting capabilities for Attendance and Grading in Community Portal
Introduced student name sorting capabilities, when viewing the list of students for taking attendance and grading in the Community.
Added a “Sort by” picklist for sorting students alphabetically according to their name.
- Student Name A-Z
- Student Name Z-A
- Student Last Name A-Z
- Student Last Name Z-A
Added a new “Default Student Sort Order” attribute on the following components, which allows admin to set the default sort order.
Enhancement - Student Management
ISS-001723 Withdrawing Course with disbursement created
Previously in v3.12, if a PE Pathway has a Student Fee generated and Disbursement created before the Census Date, and the student withdraws from a course, the withdrawal is treated as after census date:
- Fee lines aren't deleted automatically.
- Enrollment Status is set to Withdrawal Requested.
This was due to Disbursements being considered as payments.
This is now fixed.
The Enrollment Wizard will ignore “non-real” payments such as disbursements, refunds, and void payments, and allow students to withdraw from Courses before the Census Date.
Also added permissions to students to let them create/update Funding payments, which was originally preventing them from enrolling/withdrawing while Disbursement payments were generated.
- REDU - Student Permission Set
- Disbursements - Create, Edit, Delete
- Disbursement Date - Read, Edit
- Amount Disbursed - Edit
- Student Fee - Edit
- Payments - Edit, Delete
- Description - Read, Edit
- Disbursement - Read, Edit
- Transaction Type - Read, Edit
See also:
Enhancement - Finance
ISS-001749 Update Disbursement Payments instead of adding new ones
Updated how Disbursement payments are generated, so that any changes to the Fee will update the payment record, instead of creating a new one.
For example, the “Create Disbursements” flag on the Student Fee is checked, and a Disbursement payment is generated to offset the Fee Lines of enrolled Courses.
- If the student enrolls to additional Courses afterwards, this will update the amount of the Disbursement payment, rather than creating a new one.
- If the student withdraws from all Courses, the Disbursement payment will be deleted, as it is not needed since there are no Fee Lines now.
Also fixed a bug where withdrawing from Course Connections would not update Disbursement payments.
See also: Disbursements
ISS-001756 Error Message for Fee Schedule Term not found
Improved the error message when enrolling students to Course Offerings that have no Fee Schedule Terms.
To help users identify the records, the error message will:
- mention that there is no Fee Schedule Term for the Fee and Term, and,
- provide URL for both the Fee and Term records.
See also: Setting up Fees
Enhancement - Enrollment Management
ISS-001754 Capability to configure View All Courses as Default
Added a new “View All Courses Toggle Default” attribute on these components:
- RIO Ed - My Program (Aura) - for the enrollment wizard in the Community
- RIO Ed - My Pathway (Aura) - for the enrollment wizard on the Program Enrollment page in the internal console
This allows users to set “View All Courses” as default, whenever students and/or internal users view the enrollment wizard.
If set to true, all courses (including those outside of the pathway) will be displayed as default.