RIO Education 3.12 Release Notes
Enhancements, new features, and bug fixes.
Table of Contents
If a specific enhancement or new feature requires configuration, the notes will mention:
- the upgrade notes (steps),
- the components ("RIO Ed - Aura"),
- the attributes (configurable settings), and/or,
- the custom metadata type.
Otherwise, if there is no mention on configuration, attributes, RIO Ed - Aura components, or upgrade notes for a specific enhancement, this means that specific enhancement is automatically available upon installing this new version.
No configuration is needed for a new feature unless stated otherwise.
For more information on installing or upgrading your RIO Education version, head here.
Release date: 17th April 2023
3.12 New Install
3.12 Upgrade
Before you upgrade
- We recommend you to test new versions in a sandbox first (according to your own test cases), before rolling it into production.
- It is important to review the upgrade plans and the metadata to be applied before performing any action, as we do not support rollback.
Upgrade notes
1) If you are using REDU - Admin and REDU - Operation Admin profile / permission set, take note of the following:
2) Make sure to carry out upgrade tasks for the following items below:
ISS-001139 Lightning Web Security readiness for LWC and Aura
Due to the enforcement of Lightning Web Security (LWS), all following Javascripts library used in RIO Education have been upgraded to the version that compatible with LWS:
- FullCalendar
- Jquery
- moment.js
- chartJs
Hence, the LWS needs to be enabled in your Salesforce instance in order for the Appointment Scheduler, Session Scheduler, and Calendar to work properly.
If you still have customized Aura components that utilize third party Javascript library that are not compliant with LWS, it is recommend not to upgrade to this version until the Salesforce Summer'23 release which would have LWS for Aura supported as general release. Please refer to Salesforce release schedule for more info.
Please note that it is important to test the upgrade in sandbox first before rolling out to production to avoid any unforeseen issues.
As part of the change, the following settings have been replaced with the new settings from FullCalendar v5:
Setting | Legacy Value | New Value |
Calendar Weekly view | agendaWeek | timeGridWeek |
Resource Timeline Weekly view | timelineWeek | resourceTimelineWeek |
Resource Timeline Daily view | timelineDay | resourceTimelineDay |
Resource Timeline Monthly view | timelineMonth | resourceTimelineMonth |
Today button | cToday | today |
Resource Timeline Daily view | cTimelineDay | resourceTimelineDay |
Resource Timeline Weekly view | cTimelineWeek | resourceTimelineWeek |
Resource Timeline Monthly view | cTimelineMonth | resourceTimelineMonth |
If you have customized the Appointment Scheduler or Session Scheduler app page, please follow the steps to update the settings manually:
Appointment Scheduler:
- Default Calendar View: agendaWeek > timeGridWeek
- Default Calendar View: agendaWeek > timeGridWeek
Session Scheduler:
- Calendar Header Button (Left):
- timelineWeek > resourceTimelineWeek
- timelineDay > resourceTimelineDay
- timelineMonth > resourceTimelineMonth
- Calendar Header Button (Center):
- timelineWeek > resourceTimelineWeek
- timelineDay > resourceTimelineDay
- timelineMonth > resourceTimelineMonth
- Calendar Header Button (Right):
- timelineWeek > resourceTimelineWeek
- timelineDay > resourceTimelineDay
- timelineMonth > resourceTimelineMonth
- These custom buttons are obsolete:
- cToday
- cTimelineDay
- cTimelineWeek
- cTimelineMonth
- Please replace them with today, resourceTimelineDay, resourceTimlineWeek, and resourceTimelineMonth respectively.
- The "prev" and "next" button cannot be placed next to "title" anymore due to the change of CSS on FullCalendar v5.
- For example, you will need to remove “prev” and “next” from the Calendar Header Button (Center) and leave it with just “title”.
- Then, in the Calendar Header Button (Left), key in “today prev,next”. This will display the button for you to click and view future and previous days/weeks.
If you have a customized Session Scheduler page, make sure to check that all attributes (e.g. field sets, info popups) are present after upgrading.
- It is best to keep track of your attributes on the RIO Ed - Session Scheduler component before upgrading, so that you can update them if any are missing after upgrading.
- Calendar Header Button (Left):
ISS-001528 Simplify Grade Management
This is ONLY APPLICABLE if you are using grade settings at the university department and academic program level before v3.12.
Since grade settings are now only at the educational institution from v3.12 onwards, existing grade settings at university department and academic program levels need to be modified.
If you are upgrading from before version 3.12, you will need to do some manual upgrade steps. Please take note that it is recommended to perform this upgrade task before or after the grading and grade release period to avoid any data integrity issues.
The upgrade task involves updating the following fields:
- Grade Setting - Grade Setting Type field (formerly called Grade Setting Scope).
- Course - Grade Setting Type.
Please follow the following upgrade steps:
1. Navigate to the Grade Settings tab.
2. Create a new list view and include the following fields:
- Name
- Grade Setting Type
- Educational Institution
3. Review the Grade Setting records:
- If the “Grade Setting Type” field for all records is “Educational Institution”, complete only step #4a. Please ignore the rest of these steps.
- If some “Grade Setting Type” have “University Department” or “Academic Program”, please complete all steps.
4. Go to Setup > Picklist Value Sets, and find the Grade Setting Scope picklist values.
- Deactivate the University Department and Academic Program options.
- For each unique University Department and Academic Program Grade Setting Type found on step #3b, create a new picklist value.
For example, if you have Grade Setting created under 'Department of Business' and 'Department of IT' university department, create two new picklist options: 'Business' and 'IT'.
- The new picklist options need to be added to the Course Connection Student record type.
There should be a checkbox while adding picklist options that says "Add the new picklist values to all Record Types that use this Global Value Set".
If you are not given the option to add them automatically, you will need to add that manually.
Go to Object Manager > Course Connection > Record Types, select the Student record type, select Grade Setting Type, then add the new picklist options.
5. Go back to the grade setting list view created on step #2
- Replace the “Grade Setting Type” for both “University Department” and “Academic Program” with the appropriate new values from step #4 using the list view inline editor.
- Replace the “Educational Institution” for both “University Department” and “Academic Program” with the Educational Institution record.
This can be found by the account hierarchy, or looking through the records (they should be set up in the order Academic Program > University Department > Educational Institution).
6. Navigate to Course tab.
7. Create a new list view with filter “Grade Setting Type” not equal to “Educational Institution” and include the following fields.
- Name.
- Grade Setting Type.
- Department.
- (Obsolete) Grading Academic Program.
Review the course records, replace the “Grade Setting Type” with the appropriate values from step #4 using the list view inline editor.
Bug Fixes
Bug Fix - Program Management
ISS-000789 The "Credits" field is not copied from Program Discipline when PE Discipline is created manually
Previously, when creating a PE Discipline manually, the 'Credits' field is not automatically set with the value from the selected Program Discipline.
This is now resolved. The ‘Credits Required’ field will be copied from the ‘Credits’ field on the selected Program Discipline, if it is not already set.
See also: PE Discipline
ISS-001507 Program Plan Clone - Apex CPU Time Limit Exceeded
Previously, users might encounter the "Apex CPU time limit exceeded" error when using the Program Plan Clone functionality to select more than 3 Program Disciplines to include in the clone.
The Program Discipline cloning is changed to asynchronous process (queueable job) to allow longer processing to avoid the CPU timeout issue.
A new field called "Program Discipline Cloning Batch Size" is introduced to allow admin to configure the batch size. When cloning large sets of Program Disciplines via Program Plan Cloning wizard, it will check for the queueable job every 3 seconds to verify the status. Upon completion, user will be redirected to the newly cloned program plan record page automatically.
Please bear in mind that when a Program Discipline has failed to be created, the selected Program Plan and Program Pathway would still be created, regardless of the Program Discipline cloning failure. Any errors related to Program Discipline cloning are logged in Error object.
See also: Cloning a Program Plan
Bug Fix - Fee/Billing Management
ISS-001573 Student Fee Locked Function - Incorrect Formula
Students enrolling after Term.Generate Term Fee is flagged and past census should have the Student Fee locked after it's created. However, The ‘Fee Locked’ formula in the Student Fee which is listening on Fee Method = 'Term - Fixed' does not work, since the Fee Method doesn't have that value (in both label and API).
Fixed a typo mistake on the Student Fee's ‘Fee Locked’ formula field.
See also: Student Fees , and Student Fee Matrix
ISS-001574 Fee Schedule Term Is Not Automatically Generated for Manual Selection
Previously, when the ‘Fee’ field on the Course Offering is populated (with Manual Fee Selection checked), the Fee Schedule Term is not linked. It's only linked when the ‘Fee’ field on the Course is also populated.
The Fee Amount and Fee Schedule Term can now be populated on Course Offering without having a default Fee set on the Course.
See also: Setting up Fees
ISS-001585 Inconsistent of the error - No Fee Schedule Term found
There might be situations where the admin wants to create a Course Offering without a fee amount.
Fee can be defined at the Course Offering, to override the inherited Fee from the Course. However, an error will be thrown if the new Fee being used for the Course Offering has no Fee Schedule Term.
To provide flexibility, a new custom setting field called "Prevent Empty Course Offering Fee Amount" is added. This is to allow admin to enable/disable the validation to allow/prevent Course Offering with empty fee amount.
See also: Setting up Fees , and RIO Education Settings
Bug Fix - Session Management
ISS-001590 Template Builder - template checkbox unticked when adding a new time
Fixed the state of checkbox for the Session Template Builder, to prevent the selected templates from being unselected when the user plots the time.
Bug Fix - Grade Management
ISS-001592 Grades are deleted through Grade Component when no Grade Criteria
Previously, if Grades are created under the Term Grade either via integration or manual creation, without creating Grade Criteria, those Grades will be deleted when the grading component is being used.
Fixed the RIO Ed - Session Grading (Aura) component to display an error message "Not able to display grading table as there is no grade criteria found." when no Grade Criteria is created for the Course, Course Offering, and Session.
No further logic is processed, and the grading table won't appear until the Grading Criteria is defined.
See also: RIO Ed - Session Grading (Aura) , and Grading students' Sessions
Bug Fix - Student Management
ISS-001598 Appointment Scheduler: Inconsistent appointment datetime
The datetime in both the appointment list in My Appointment tab and appointment details info popup have been fixed, to display the timezone based on the related campus location.
See also: Appointment Scheduler
Enhancement - Session Management
ISS-000489 Make Session details popup configurable
Supported the ability to configure the popup Session details field (customize the fields displayed).
The fields displayed when clicking on Bookings in the calendar are now determined by the configurable field set attributes defined below.
- These 3 field sets apply to Session Bookings only.
- Session Info Field Set (from Session object).
- Session Time Info Field Set (from Session Time object).
- Session Booking Info Field Set (from Booking object).
- Another field set, the “Appointment Booking Info Field Set” (from Booking object) applies to Appointment Bookings only.
Default field sets have been defined for each of these attributes, but users can create their own if necessary.
These field sets apply to the following components:
- RIO Ed - Calendar.
- RIO Ed - Calendar (Aura).
- RIO Ed - My Pathway (Aura).
- RIO Ed - My Program (Aura).
- RIO Ed - Session Calendar (Aura).
- RIO Ed - Student Info.
- RIO Ed - Student Scheduler.
Note that the Faculty Member on Session Bookings and the Attendees on Appointment Bookings are still hard-coded and thus are not controlled by these new field set attributes.
ISS-001325 Support "All this day event" when managing recurring event in Session Scheduler
Added a new option for event reallocation on the Session Scheduler called “All this day events”, to support the reallocation for all events that happen on the same day.
There might be instances where you have created a Session, but the Facility or Faculty is not available for a particular day. You will need to reassign that Session to a different Facility/Faculty, just for that day only.
For example, a Session might have multiple Session Times on a particular day (multiple events from the same Session). If you move an event to a new Facility / Faculty Member and select the “All this day events” option, it will move that event, as well as any other events from the same Session for that day (except for events that happen before the moved event).
See also: Session Scheduler
ISS-001341 Session Scheduler: Allow facility from different campuses to be listed in the facility picklist when editing a session
Previously, the Facility list in the Session Scheduler is restricted to the facilities listed against the campus. The Session Scheduler will only show the facilities from the Course Offering's campus as available for assignment.
This is now enhanced to allow cross campus facilities selection.
A new configurable attribute called “Allow Cross Campus Facility” was added to the Session Scheduler to allow admins to allow or prevent users to allocate bookings across different campuses.
See also: Session Scheduler, and RIO Ed - Session Scheduler
ISS-001467 Enrollment Wizard: Improve the "Self Enrollment Disabled" flag on Session object
Previously, if “Self Enrollment Disabled” at the Session level is checked (to prevent students from enrolling to Sessions), it also affects internal users, who will be unable to use the Enrollment Wizard to enroll the students on their behalf.
This is due to the Enrollment Wizard being the same component across the Student Community and the internal console.
Added 2 new configurable attributes to the My Program and My Pathway Aura components:
- ignoreSelfEnrollment - To show the Sessions regardless of the Session's ‘Self Enrollment Disable’ checkbox.
- ignorePeEligibility - To show the enrollment button regardless of the PE's ‘Eligibility to Enroll’ checkbox and Course Offering status.
See also: Student Enrollment Wizard , RIO Ed - My Program (Aura) , and RIO Ed - My Pathway (Aura)
ISS-001550 Session Scheduler: Allow scheduler to only load the full data when requested by users
In order to reduce the waiting time when working with large data volume on the Session Scheduler, a new configurable attribute "Skip Loading Data Upon Launching" is introduced on the "RIO Ed - Session Scheduler" component.
It allows admin to skip the data loading when user launch the Session Scheduler. Users can always update the filter to see the filtered result.
See also: Session Scheduler , and RIO Ed - Session Scheduler
ISS-001551 Session Scheduler: Allow quick edit of booking details from the booking info popup
This enhancement allows quick edit on the booking info popup on the Session Scheduler.
The following configurable attributes are added on RIO Ed - Session Scheduler to allow admin to enable/disable the booking info modification:
- Allow Booking Details Modification - Enable/disable booking details modification on the booking info popup.
- Info Popup - Booking Fieldset Name for Edit - Booking field set name for the editable field.
Please note that the following system fields are excluded automatically as they should be modified via the Scheduler to avoid data integrity issues:
- Start
- End.
- Start Date Non TZ.
- Start Time Non TZ.
- End Date Non TZ.
- End Time Non TZ.
- Resource.
As part of enhancement, the following attributes are also exposed to allow admin to configure the fields for the booking info popup:
- Info Popup - Session Fieldset Name.
- Info Popup - Session Time Fieldset Name.
- Info Popup - Booking Fieldset Name.
See also: Session Scheduler , and RIO Ed - Session Scheduler
ISS-001595 Template builder: Make timeslot larger
Allow admin to configure the size of the calendar on the Session Template Builder calendar, when editing the page.
The following configurable attributes are added to the RIO Ed - Session Template Builder component, to allow admin to adjust the duration and label of time slots:
- Slot Duration = The frequency for displaying time slots. Default is 15 minutes e.g., 00:15:00.
- Slot Label Interval = The frequency that the time slots should be labelled with. Default is 1 hour e.g., 01:00.
See also: RIO ED - Session Template Builder
Enhancement - Fee/Billing Management
ISS-000982 Component Property to hide Shopping cart on Student Payments button
Supported the ability to hide the 'Pay Now' shopping cart button on the 'My Payments' tab in Student Community, since it may not needed for institutes where students are not required to do payments via portal payment gateways.
Added three new configurable attributes to the My Program and My Pathway Aura components.
- showPaymentButton = show/hide the payment button, default is true.
- paymentButtonIcon = the payment button icon, default is utility:cart (required).
- studentFeeButtonIcon = the student fee info button icon, default is utilify:info (required).
See also: RIO Ed - My Program (Aura) and RIO Ed - My Pathway (Aura)
Enhancement - Grade Management
ISS-001528 Simplify Grade Management
In order to simply the grade settings management for Courses, the Grade Settings is changed to always be under Educational Institution.
To allow Courses to be graded with different Grade Settings, an updated Grade Setting Type picklist is used.
- Percentage/Letter.
- Pass/Fail.
The same picklist can be defined on the Course Connection, to determine which Grade Setting will be referred to, when releasing the grades for that Course Connection.
See also: Grade Settings
See the upgrade notes for ISS-001528 here.
ISS-001529 Grading Wizard: Support auto suggest in Score grading type
Some universities have unique grading convention, where a unique number refers to a special grade type, e.g. “No Show”.
Previously, when using the grading wizard, a faculty is only allowed to enter the number to the ‘Score’ input field. The faculty might not remember what unique number is used for “No Show”.
Added the ‘Auto Suggest’ checkbox to Grade Setting. Any Auto Suggested Grade Settings will show in a popup list when grading a score-based Course.
Therefore, rather than remembering unique score numbers for special grade types, this allows faculty to see the suggestions and select the matching grade (if applicable).
See also: Grading students' Sessions , and Grade Settings
Enhancement - Student Management/Community
ISS-000600 Student Scheduler to support course enrollment
Created a version of the Student Scheduler that works with Course Offering, so that the admin can perform mass enrollment of students to Course Offerings.
Just like the Session version of the Student Scheduler, the user can waitlist, reassign, or remove students from the Course Offerings.
The RIO Ed - Student Scheduler component has been updated into 3 components:
RIO Ed - Student Scheduler Manager | For both Course Offering and Session. |
RIO Ed - Student Scheduler (Course) | For Course Offering only. |
RIO Ed - Student Scheduler (Session) | For Session only. |
The RIO Ed - Student Scheduler Manager component allows switching between Course Offerings and Sessions. This allows users to create Course Offerings, schedule Sessions, and assign faculty and rooms all on one page.
See also: Student Scheduler , and RIO Ed - Student Scheduler
ISS-001270 Transfer Credit wizard to support EDA Application object
Previously, the Transfer Credit Wizard only supported the Program Application object.
Added support for EDA's Application object on the Transfer Credit Wizard and related Transfer Credit trigger handlers.
See also: Transfer Credits , and TC_LinkCourseConnection_TDTM
ISS-001321 Enrollment Wizard: Show and highlight missed and failed courses from the past term in the current term
Previously, when a student fails / misses enrollment into a Course, and the student wants to re-enroll in the next Term, the Course will not be visible in the student's pathway. The student has to switch view to "View All Courses" in order to be able to take the Course in the new Term.
A new configurable attribute called "Show Missed/Failed Courses" has been added to the Enrollment Wizard (My Program and My Pathway Aura Components). This attribute is a picklist that currently contains the values "None" or "All".
- When "None" is selected, the behaviour of the Enrollment Wizard remains unchanged.
- When "All" is selected, the student will be able to view mandatory Courses from previous Terms in the Enrollment Wizard, under the following conditions:
- The student either failed or did not enroll (missed) to the Course in a previous Term.
- A valid Course Offering exists for the Course in the current Term the student is enrolling in.
- The Pathway Unit specifically lists the Plan Requirement (Course) for the missed Courses.
See also: Student Enrollment Wizard , RIO Ed - My Program (Aura) , and RIO Ed - My Pathway (Aura)
ISS-001483 Move Requirement Due Date calculation to REQ_SetDates_TDTM
The Due Days field has been added to the Requirement object previously in v3.11.1.
Calculation of the Due Date field on the Requirement object is now moved from SOBJ_CreateRequirementSet_TDTM to the REQ_SetDates_TDTM.
See also: Requirement (object)
ISS-001489 Transfer Credit Wizard: Clearer display on PE Group
Previously, when linking the PE Group and PE Discipline Group in the transfer credit wizard, there is no clear indication if the groups are parent or child.
Added a filter to the PE Group and PE Discipline lookup components to prevent them from showing parent groups.
This allows the admin to transfer the credits to the specific group (instead of the parent group).
See also: Transfer Credits
ISS-001511 Enrollment Wizard: Course description in enrollment wizard only support 255 characters
Previously, the Course description on the Enrollment Wizard could not display more than 255 characters.
Added new configurable attributes to the My Program and My Pathway Aura components:
- courseInfoFieldset
- planReqInfoFieldset
- courseOfferingInfoFieldset
- hideCourseFeeAmount
The field set attributes determine which fields appear in the Course info popup on the Enrollment Wizard, using field sets from the Course, Plan Requirement and Course Offering objects.
The hideCourseFeeAmount attribute controls whether or not the Course Fee Amount field appears on the popup.
See also: Student Enrollment Wizard , RIO Ed - My Program (Aura) , and RIO Ed - My Pathway (Aura)
ISS-001553 Automated Credit Transfer for Equivalent Course
Previously, only the exact same Courses can have automatic credit transfer (when a student enrolls to a different Program which contains the same Course that he previously completed).
To allow automatic credit transfer for Courses that are different but can be considered as equivalent, the admin can now “link” these equivalent Courses through the Agreement Course object, and check the ‘Use for Auto Credit Transfer’ field on the Agreement object.
In other words, if a student has previously completed a Course that can be considered as an equivalent to a new Course he is currently taking now, this will automatically transfer the credits.
See also: Auto Credit Transfer
ISS-001559 Expose lightning web component calendar in community
The "RIO Ed - Calendar" component is now available in the Community view.
See also: RIO Ed - Calendar
Enhancement - Faculty Administration
ISS-001411 Warning indicator on Grading wizard for sessions yet to be graded
The grading wizard can now show a warning indicator to highlight which Sessions have not been graded yet.
Added 4 configurations for RIO Ed - Sessions For Grading (Aura):
- Show No Grade Warning = checkbox to enable the highlight of sessions without grades given.
- No Grade Warning Text = warning text for the warning icon's tooltip.
- No Grade Warning Icon = warning icon.
- No Grade Warning Variant = warning variant e.g., info, warning and error.
When the "Show No Grade Warning" is enabled, any current/past Sessions that do not have all grades given, will be highlighted with a warning sign.
Note: Weekly graded Sessions will only check against the current week.
See also: RIO Ed - Sessions For Grading (Aura) , and Grading Students' Sessions
Enhancement - Others
ISS-001139 Lightning Web Security readiness for LWC and Aura
The following components are updated to use the new FullCalendar v5 javascript library:
- RIO Ed - Appointment Scheduler (Aura)
- RIO Ed - Session Calendar (Aura)
- RIO Ed - Calendar (Aura)
- RIO Ed - Calendar
- RIO Ed - Session Scheduler
- RIO Ed - Template Builder
- RIO Ed - Student Scheduler
See the upgrade notes for ISS-001139 here.
ISS-001522 Replace getRecordNotifyChange with notifyRecordUpdateAvailable as part of Salesforce summer 23 update
Salesforce is going to deprecate the getRecordNotifyChange in May 2024.
Thus, we replaced the outdated method getRecordNotifyChange() with the new method notifyRecordUpdateAvailable() on the following components:
- notifyRecordChange.
- programStructure.
- sessionListEdit.
- transferCreditAgreementInfo.
ISS-001579 Lookup filter for record type should use the DeveloperName instead of Name/Id
The record type filter in all lookup fields are updated to use the developer name (API name instead of the standard name).
ISS-001582 Make queueable jobs running sequentially
Previously, when executing the faculty double booking, facility double booking, student Session Connection date recalculation, and faculty Session Connection date recalculation jobs in queueable mode, the batched records are being processed simultaneously. This could potentially lead to record lock contention in Salesforce.
Thus, the following queueable jobs are enhanced to process the batched records by chaining the same job after a batch is processed:
- Facility double booking check.
- Faculty double booking check.
- Student session connection date recalculation.
- Faculty session connection date recalculation.
- Term disbursement creation.
This would avoid the lock contention issue. However, this could mean that it would take longer time to complete processing all records.
New Features
New Feature - Master Data Management
ISS-001393 Ability to fully hide historical session template from builder
Previously, the "Inactive" flag in a Session record with record type "Template" only unchecks the template at the Session Template builder page.
Added the ability to hide inactive templates from the Session Template builder list (left panel). This is done via a toggle “Hide Inactive Templates”. Toggle show/hide and default state can be configured in component params.
This is specifically useful or helpful for keeping the legacy templates out of the builder sight (without hard-deleting the record).
This can be done by editing the Session Template Builder page, and configuring these on the component:
- Show Inactive Template Toggle = Allow user to toggle showing/hiding inactive templates in the list.
- Hide Inactive Templates (Default) = Hide inactive templates by default.
Also removed obsolete Funding code from REDU_Helper_UTIL as part of a code cleanup.
See also: RIO Ed - Session Template Builder , and How to create a Session using Session Template
New Feature - Student Management/Community
ISS-001187 Continuing Education Support - Courses Listing
Added a new feature on the Student Community, which displays short courses available for enrollment.

The Short Course Feature is supported by the new Study Offering object.
Four new components are also introduced for the Student Community view:
- RIO Ed - Short Course Filter
- This is a short course filtering components that comes with 4 predefined filtering options:
- Area of Interest.
- Location.
- Start Date Delivery Method.
- The filter is configurable but is limited to picklist and datetime field type only.
- This is a short course filtering components that comes with 4 predefined filtering options:
- RIO Ed - Short Course Listing
- This is a short courses listing components that display the filtered results based on RIO Ed - Short Course Filter component.
- This is a short courses listing components that display the filtered results based on RIO Ed - Short Course Filter component.
- RIO Ed - Short Course Record Header
- This is a record header component that display the main info of a short course record.
- It can be configured to student registration by redirecting students to any registration forms that you have.
- RIO Ed - Short Course Record Details Card
- This is a record details component that display the short course record details instead of using the Salesforce out of the box "Record Details" component.
- The fields to be displayed are configurable using either field set or a comma separated field API name.
- This new feature requires the Short Course Feature license.
- Consider building new pages on the Student Community to expose those components above (see the article below).
See also: Continuing education
ISS-001484 Transfer Credit Catalog Component
Students who have transferred from external universities might want to see which of their previous Courses are supported for credit transfer by your university.
To allow them to see that, a new Transfer Credit Catalog component is created, and can be exposed on the Student Community.
This will allow students to search for their old university and which Courses can be credit transferred.
- Active Agreement and Agreement Courses must be created first.
- The RIO Ed - Transfer Credit Catalog component needs to be exposed on the Student Community.
See also: RIO Ed - Transfer Credit Catalog , and Transfer Credits
New Feature - Others
ISS-001587 User license count and validation schedule job
A license count schedule job is introduced.
The job will be scheduled upon RIO Education installation or when accessing the RIO Education Settings tab. By default, the job will be executed at 12AM every Sunday to count the user license.
When the license usage is counted, the information will be synced to LMO automatically.
ISS-001222 Upgrade Apex/Aura/LWC from API version 57.0
All lightning web components, Aura components, Apex classes, Apex triggers, Apex pages and flows are updated with salesforce API 57.0.