RIO Education Settings
Custom settings
RIO Education has custom settings that store the configuration required by automation - RIO Education Settings.
This setting consists of configurations that the admin can configure for RIO Education.
To manage these, head to Setup > Custom Settings > RIO Education Settings > Manage Records.
Configuration field | Description |
Academic Program Account Record Type | This is used in Program Application wizard flow to identify the Academic Program record. This will be set automatically during installation with the Id of “Academic Program” record type. Administrator can change this manually if the organization is using different record type. |
Academic Program Account RT Id | Academic Program Account record type Id. |
Auto Clone CC For Fail |
Enables automation to clone a new Course Connection when a Course Connection's grade result is marked as Fail. Enabled by default for new installation and upgrade. See here for use case: Reattempting a Course. |
Auto Clone CC For Withdrawn |
Enables the automation to clone a new Course Connection when a Course Connection's enrollment status is marked as Withdrawn. Enabled by default for new installation and upgrade. See here for use case: Withdrawing or unenrolling from Courses. |
Auto Complete on Release Grades |
Will update the Enrollment Status on Course Connection to “Completed” when Release Grades = TRUE. This enables the student to view their grades the moment it is released, since their Course is now "completed". To prevent students from viewing their grades immediately, disable this checkbox. Remember to update the Course Connection's enrollment status = Completed, when you are ready to publish the grades for the student to view. |
Auto Credit Transfer | Enables automatic credit transfer. |
Auto Enroll if Failed | Allow the Automatic Enrollment process to continue even if some Courses have been failed. |
Auto Faculty Community Registration |
Select this setting to enable the automatic provisioning of Contacts as Faculty when the Faculty Member field is set to 'true'. This enables automatic creation of a User record and assigning the Faculty profile, Faculty permission set, membership to the Faculty Public Group, and setup of Apex sharing for their User to have edit access to their own Contact record. |
Auto Lead Conversion | Check to automatically convert the related lead linked with a Program Application. |
Auto Program Enrollment | Select this setting to enable the automatic creation of a Program Enrollment record when the status of an applicant's Program Application record is set to 'Approved'. |
Auto Program Enrollment-EDA Application | (v3.9) Allow admin to enable/disable the Program Enrollment creation automation from EDA Application object. |
Auto Student Community Registration | Select this setting to enable the automatic registration in the Student Community of Program applicants, when the status of their Program Application record is set to 'Approved'. |
Class Session RT Id | Class Session Record Type Id. |
Community Prefix Generation Type |
Type in a field on Contact to use as an email prefix, or type one of the following letters to generate one:
Community Username Suffix | Default email domain to be used as community username generation. |
Course Connection Creation Mode |
The supported options are:
The default setting is "Required Only" for new installation and upgrade. |
Course Discipline Requirement RT Id | Course Discipline Requirement Record Type Id. |
Course Offering Release Grade Batch Size |
Batch size for CSOF_ReleaseGrades_BATCH that marks the "Release Grade" on related Course Connection when the "Release Grades" is checked on a Course Offering. When releasing Course Offering grades, it updates the Course Connections in a batch process, i.e. 100 (or any amount you have set) at a time, as there could be a large number of related records. This may result in some grades being released a few seconds/minutes apart as Salesforce waits for available resources. |
Course PE Discipline Requirement RT Id | Course PE Discipline Requirement Record Type Id. |
Course Plan Requirement RT Id | Course Plan Requirement Record Type Id. |
Default Faculty Confirmation Status | When assigning primary faculty, this will be their default confirmation status on their Session Connection. |
Default Platform Event Name | Used for some automatic platform events. These will get set automatically when RIO Ed is installed. |
Default Platform Event Status Field | |
Default Platform Event Payload Field | |
Default Platform Event Opt Type Field | |
Educational Institution Account RT Id | Educational Institution Account Record Type Id. |
Enable Credit Transfer Rollback | System administrator can uncheck the checkbox to disable rollback of credit transfer when "Release Grades" of a Course Connection is unchecked. This is enabled by default for new installation and upgrade. |
Enable PE Deletion from PA | When unapproving a Program Application, this will delete the related Program Enrollment. |
Enable PE Deletion From EDA Application | (v3.9) Allow admin to enable/disable the Program deletion automation from EDA Application object. When unapproving an Application (EDA) record, this will delete the related Program Enrollment. |
External Educational Institution RT Id | External Educational Institution Record Type Id. |
Facility Double Booking Job Mode |
These fields support two options: Queue and Batch. Depending on the requirement, administrator could change the mode of the asynchronous jobs above to run as Queueable or Batchable interface. Please note that Salesforce governor limit is still respected regardless of the mode. Note: Execution of jobs can be found in Apex Jobs. |
Faculty Double Booking Job Mode (See trigger handler here.) | |
Faculty SC Date Recalculation Job Mode | |
Student SC Date Recalculation Job Mode | |
Faculty Double Booking Check Batch Size |
3. (See trigger handler here.) |
Facility Double Booking Check Batch Size | 100. |
Faculty - User Profile | The Profile that will be assigned to a Faculty’s User record if the 'Auto Faculty Community Registration' custom setting is selected. |
Faculty - Group | Default group name (developer name) for a faculty contact. |
Faculty - Permission Set | Default permission set name (developer name) for a faculty contact, if there are multiple please use comma (e.g. permsetA,permsetB). |
Faculty SC Date Recalculation Batch Size |
Batch size for SE_UpdateFacultyScDates_BATCH that recalculates faculty Session Connection start date and end date, when Session Time is changed. (See trigger handler here.) |
Fixed Term Fee Generation Batch Size | Batch size for TERM_CreateFixedTermFees_BATCH that generates fixed Term Student Fee when the "Generate Fixed Term Fees" is checked on a Term. |
GPA Decimal Places | Determines the number of decimal places that the ‘GPA’ fields on PE Pathway and Program Enrollment will be rounded to, when being calculated by the cascade update. Note that this is regarding the number of decimal places being calculated, and NOT the number of decimal places displayed by the fields. |
GPA includes all repeated Courses |
Tells the Completion Engine which Course Connections to use for GPA calculation:
Grade RT Id | Grade Record Type Id. |
Group Discipline Requirement RT Id | Group Discipline Requirement Record Type Id. |
Group PE Discipline Requirement RT Id | Group PE Discipline Requirement Record Type Id. |
Group Plan Requirement RT Id | Group Plan Requirement Record Type Id. |
Ignored Statuses for Completion |
The Course Connection statuses (in comma separated values) to ignore when calculating if all Courses have been passed in a Term.
Late Payment Batch Size | Batch size of the Late Payment class. By default it is 200, but it can be lowered if running into CPU timeout issues. |
Late Payment Repeat Days/Months | Sets how many days/months it takes to repeat the late payment logic (depending on the Late Payment Repeat Setting). |
Late Payment Repeat Setting |
How often to run the late payment logic per record:
Lead Converted Status | The “converted” lead status to be used when “Auto Lead Conversion” is enabled. |
Location Account RT Id | Location Account Record Type Id. |
Location Resource Calendar Field | Calendar for Location resource. |
Pathway Prefix | Pathway prefix to appear on my Pathway. |
Payment URL | Payment URL that student will be redirected to. |
PE Reporting | Checkbox to enable/disable the automatic creation of PE Reporting records for each Program Enrollment record. |
PEDR Credits Method |
(Custom setting from v3.7.2) Prevents credits earned from a Course from being added multiple times through multiple Discipline Requirement Groups, that each feature that same Course. Assigns credits earned to the group with the highest priority, based on credits required, and credits contributed by a Course. This is to prevent overflow of credits being added multiple times. See also: Discipline Requirement. |
Preserve pre-enrollment waitlist date | Preserves the Waitlist Date when moving from Enrollment Requested to Waitlisted. If a student pre-enrolls, we set the waitlist date to the date/time they pre-enrolled. If this setting is true, we won’t overwrite that waitlist date when they get waitlisted afterwards. |
Prevent Empty Course Offering Fee Amount |
(v3.12) Checkbox to allow/prevent Course Offering from being created with empty fee amount. If left unchecked, this allows the admin to override the inherited Fee of the Course Offering, to use a different Fee that has no Fee Schedule Term. See also: Setting up Fees for Courses. |
Prevent Fee regen with active Payments | (v3.11) Checkbox that prevents regenerating Student Fees if there are non-voided payments. |
Prevent Session Deletion (Student SC) | Prevents Sessions from being deleted if there are any student Session Connections. |
Prevent Session Del (Student SC Status) | The student Session Connection statuses in comma separated values to be considered when a Session Connection is via Session deletion. Leave blank to include all statuses. Only applicable when 'Prevent Session Deletion (Student SC)' is enabled. |
Prevent Session Deletion (Faculty SC) | Prevents Sessions from being deleted if there are any faculty Session Connections. |
Prevent Session Del (Faculty SC Status) | The faculty Session Connection statuses in comma separated values to be considered when a Session Connection is via Session deletion. Leave blank to include all statuses. Only applicable when 'Prevent Session Deletion (Faculty SC)' is enabled. |
Prevent Session Time Deletion With Att | Prevents Session Time from being deleted if there are any Attendances. |
Program Application Accepted Status | This is used in Flow to update application status upon acceptance as a workaround for |
Resource Type Plan RT Id | Resource Type Plan Record Type Id. |
Respect Facility Availability for Alloc. |
(Custom setting from v3.6) This is applied to both facility allocation done via the Session Scheduler and the Session booking generation. See trigger handler here. |
Respect Faculty Availability for Alloc | (Custom setting from v3.6) This is applied to both faculty allocation done via the Session Scheduler and the Session booking generation. |
Respect Grade Setting "Ignore" Setting |
(v3.14.1) When checked (TRUE), a Grade Setting with "Ignore Credits Earned" and "Ignore for GPA calculation" checked, will automatically check those same fields on the Course Connection, if given that grade. See here for more details. |
Session Double Booking Check Batch Size | Batch size for SE_DoubleBooking_BATCH job that validates the faculty double booking when a faculty is allocated to/unallocated from a Session. |
Session Scheduler REST API URL | URL for handling some Session Scheduler code, this will get set automatically when RIO Ed is installed. |
Session Time Active Statuses | Comma separated list of statuses. When assigning primary faculty, they will be assigned to any Session Times with these statuses. |
Set Program Fee Description | Using {!Program.Name} will substitute it with the specific Program's name. |
Skip Faculty CC Ownership | Checkbox. When true, Primary Faculty for Courses will not be set as the owner of related student Course Connections. |
Skip PE Non-Tuition For Term - Course |
Custom setting added (v3.6) to disable Term-based non-tuition fee for the Fee Method = Term - Course. See also: Student Fee Generation. |
Student CC Faculty Sharing Enabled | Enable sharing of Student Course Connections to the related Course Offering's Faculty users. |
Student CC Faculty Sharing Reason | Name of the sharing reason for the Student Course Connection Faculty sharing. |
Student CC Faculty Sharing Access Level | The sharing access level for sharing students Course Connection to faculty users (e.g. Edit). |
Student SC Date Recalculation Batch Size |
10. (See trigger handler here.) |
Student - User Profile | The Profile that will be assigned to a Student's User record if the 'Auto Student Community Registration' custom setting is selected. |
Student - Group | Default group name (developer name) for a student contact. |
Student - Permission Set | Default permission set name (developer name) for a student contact, if there are multiple please use comma (e.g. permsetA,permsetB). |
Sub Grade RT Id | Sub Grade Record Type Id. |
Template Session RT Id | Template Session Record Type Id. |
Term Create Disbursement Batch Size | (v3.11) For TERM_CreateDisbursements_BATCH batch job. For use case, see here: Scholarship (Disbursement). |
Term Create Disbursement Criteria | (v3.11) Extra criteria for the Student Fee where clause in Term_CreateDisbursements_BATCH (e.g. Custom_Field__c = 'Value'). |
Term Create Disbursement Job Mode |
(v3.11) The job mode for the Term Create Disbursement Job (see trigger handler here). The supported options are:
Term Create Housing Fees Batch Size | Batch size for the redu_TERM_CreateHousingFees_BATCH job that runs from the Term's 'Generate Housing Fees' checkbox. By default, this will be 50. See also: Housing for students. |
TransferCredit Agreement Active Statuses | (v3.9) Comma separated list of Agreement Active Statuses. Default value = Active. |
TransferCredit Approved Statuses | (v3.9) Comma separated list of Transfer Credits Approved Statuses. Default value = Approved. |
TransferCredit Grade Result | (v3.9) Course Connection Grade Result to be set by Transferred Credits. Default value = Credit Transfer. |
TransferCredit Ignore GPA | (v3.9) A checkbox. Course Connection Ignore for GPA to be set by Transferred Credits. Default value = unchecked. |
TransferCredit Release Grades |
(v3.9) A checkbox. Course Connection check 'Release Grades' field when Transfer Credits is approved.
University Department Account RT Id | University Department Record Type Id. |
Use Course Fee Generation Timing | Will delay creating Student Fee and Fee Lines for Term - Course fee methods until the PE Pathway has been set to Generate Fees. See also: Fee and Student Fee Matrix. |
Use Detailed Funding Assignment |
Enables Funding Allocation Fee Line to respect Applicable Fee Unit.
Withdrawn CCs delete SCs |
(v3.14) If enabled (TRUE), then, withdrawing a Course Connection will delete the related Session Connections, if there are no attendances yet. If there are already attendances taken, then, the Session Connection will be withdrawn instead. See also: |