[Functional] C07 - Student Enrollment
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RIO Challenge C07 - Student Enrollment
A student enrolls to the Bachelor of Business Management (pathway in the diagram below), where the student will be studying for 4 Terms (semesters). There are 16 Courses to be taken in total, with 4 Courses in each Term. Student can enroll courses and sessions in the student portal.
Learning outcomes
- Understand Course and Session enrollment process for students.
Reading material
Related challenges
Estimated time to complete
15 minutes.
Steps to complete the challenge
In this challenge, a student (who has completed Term 1 and 2) will use the enrollment wizard to enroll to Term 3 (Future Term 1). The student will also enroll to the tutorial and lecture classes (Sessions) for each of the enrolled Courses.
- Click on the 'RIO Challenge V2' tab at the bottom left of the page. Click on 'Initiate Challenge' to generate the data required for this challenge.
- Go to the Contacts list view 'Challenge 7 - Student Enrollment'.
Click on the student contact 'C07 - Fred Smith' and Log in to the Experience as user.
- This will take you to the Student Community, which is the front-end portal that students will be interacting with.
Click on 'Programs' at the bottom of the page, then click on 'my Pathway' in the next page.
- Term 1 (Previous Term 1) and Term 2 (Previous Term 2) are completed. To continue with the Program, the student will need to enroll for the next Term.
Scroll to the third Term (T - 3) and click the button 'Select Term'. Select 'C07 - Future Term 1' and click save.
- Select the same Term enrolled in step 4 above to continue. By default, the recommended Courses for the third Term (T - 3) will be displayed and student will need to enroll to Courses according on the recommended credits.
(Note: One of the Courses - BUS320 is unavailable for enrollment, because the student has not met the requirements. To learn more about setting requirements for Courses, see here.)
Enroll to the following Courses by clicking on the button 'Enroll'.- BUS301.
- COR109.
- HRM311.
- As the total credit enrolled of 30.00 is still below the recommended credits, select the 'View All Courses' button and enroll to an additional elective course.
Enroll to ICT112 as it is one of the mandatory courses of the Major in Business Strategy (you can refer to the Challenge 4 for details).
- The student will now need to enroll for class sessions for each Course.
Click the Session tab and enroll to 1 tutorial and 1 lecture class for the following Courses:- ICT112 (C07 - Future Term 1 ICT112)
- BUS301 (C07 - Future Term 1 BUS301)
COR109 (C07 - Future Term 1 COR109)
For the Course HRM311 (C07 - Future Term 1 HRM311), there are some classes that overlap with classes from the other Courses.
Click on the 'Calendar View' button.
Enroll to the tutorial and lecture classes that do not overlap with anything else, by clicking on the available slots on the calendar.
- Congratulations, you have completed the challenge!
Return to the Salesforce console view to complete the challenge.
Log out as the student and you will be redirected back to the student record.
Click on the 'RIO Challenge V2' tab at the bottom left of the page, and click on 'Complete Challenge'.