RIO Ready: Guest User Verification Link Functionality
This functionality includes a Lightning Web Component that enables Guest Users to log in through the verification link sent to their email, another LWC to retrieve the data of the logged-in user, a Record-Triggered Flow to send the verification link email to Guest Users, a Schedule-Triggered Flow to clean up the Login Request object, and a Trigger that generates a UUID token and an encrypted token, updating them in the record.
Note that as part of the package, we only include the Lightning Web Component, flow, and trigger. The actual implementation would require configuring the Community Site with a page where these functionality's Lightning Web Component can then be placed for users to access.
LWC for Guest Users to enter their email and check the verification status:
- Login State
- Checking State
- Final State - Verified
- Final State - Verification Failed
LWC for Guest Users to verify their login request from the email verification link:
- Success state
- Invalid or Expired State
LWC to ensure that users are informed about the use of cookies on the website:
LWC for Guest Users to view their profile:
What's included:
Record-Triggered Flows:
- A Record-Triggered Flow called ‘REDU Send Login Link Flow’ to send a verification link email to Guest Users.
Schedule-Triggered Flow:
- A Schedule-Triggered Flow to clean up Login Request object records that are older than two days.
- A trigger called ‘Trigger_reduLoginRequest’ that generates a UUID token and an encrypted token, and updates them in the record.
Lightning Web Components:
- reduGuestTokenCookieConsent: A component used to ensure that users are informed about the use of cookies on the website.
- reduGuestTokenRequest: A component that allows users to submit their email address to request a login verification link.
- reduGuestTokenVerification: A component used to display the status of token verification. When users click on the verification link sent to their email, they will be redirected to a page where this component is used to show whether the token verification was successful or not.
- reduGuestDataRetrieve: A component that retrieves user contact data based on the cookie's value.
To set this up, you can follow the steps here.